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How do you guys think you would fare in a post apocalyptic world? Just imagine, civilization and organized society has suddenly been wiped out, and you and a few survivors must make the best of things...


If we've survived (we = those of us who post in this thread) I assume the radiation levels are acceptable. Has civilization merely been knocked down or has it been burned beyond usefulness? Can we salvage much or do we start from scratch? Do we have a way of communicating or are we just small independent roving bands?


One thing I can anticipate is people with lots of knowledge but little practical experience or application, like knowing how to fix cars but cars don't exist anymore. Or like knowing all about electricity except how to extrude wire and build a generator or motor.


I think morality would suddenly become very important. With no police or military to rein in people's urges honor and good reputation would become valuable commodities.


I think you need to set more parameters. Are we talking Mad Max where salvaging the old way of life is possible or are we emerging from caves to find the old world completely gone?


i think i would fare quite well. chemical engineering could be a valuable skill in a post-apocalyptic world (water purification, waste treatment, explosives, alcohol, etc.)


its bound to be worth lots to the various warring factions that would spring up


I think I would want YT (and family) and insane_alien nearby when it all happened. I could mobilize and manage any people we came across but I have little expertise in practical applications. Just some carpentry and other various trade skills that assume I have materials and tools at hand. Not sure if I could make a good 2x4 from a tree (we still have trees, right?).


Again, it makes a big difference what kind of apocalypse we're talking about. I just saw a History channel episode on how many prophecies mirror the Mayan calendar's prediction that the world will end in December of 2012. One speculation was a magnetic pole shift occurs and earth's lithosphere turns around it's molten center like the skin of a balloon will shift around the water inside. With that sort of cataclysm earthquakes and storms would flatten everything but not necessarily burn everything up. There would still be tools and remnants of our old life available if you can dig them out.


In this scenario I think we stand a better chance of progressing even within the first generation after apocalypse. We'd need to burn a lot of bodies and figure safe ways to move debris to find what we're looking for but at least we'd have The Resourceful One working on building a radio transmitter out of silverware and chewing gum while insane_alien figures out how to purify water for us all.


And of course I would be there to supervise and mitigate disputes.... :D


there`s That and you can couple it with the fact that I already have several Buried "Stashes" in existance Now :)


ya know, Just on the Off chance my Lab Didn`t make it :)


Hell, if my Lab made it, we`de All be Sitting Pretty, radiation or Not! :)


I have my "How to Survive a Robot Uprising" manual, so I have no doubt that I would survive that particular event.


I'd probably die of starvation soon after though.


Well, I know a few trades such as carpentry et.c and limited science knowledge which could come in useful, trying to think of a scenario where my knowledge would come in handy...well lets skip that part for now. Plus (so long as my studio survived) people will always need entertainment, so I can provide music for the nights we're swigging IA's home brew. Been in quite a few near death and rather tricky situations, up mountains, lost in jungles et.c so I'd be good at getting people out of trouble if it arose.


However, I think a pirate ship is a must in this situation.

  Snail said:
However, I think a pirate ship is a must in this situation.
Arrr, absolutely. And many of us could sail her but does anyone know how a ship is put together so it won't sink? There are rules for such (not just guidelines, arrrr).


Think about this: you know this apocalypse is about to take place. You have just enough time to get your household members to safety *and* put together one backpack (approx 20-25 kilos or 50 pounds) worth of *stuff* you currently have in your house. What do you bring?

  Phi for All said:
Think about this: you know this apocalypse is about to take place. You have just enough time to get your household members to safety *and* put together one backpack (approx 20-25 kilos or 50 pounds) worth of *stuff* you currently have in your house. What do you bring?


Oooh, I like these kinda questions...if I were a real survival specialist, a hunting knife and my bare wit, but I'm not.


Well. in our house we have...water purification tablets (rather old), first aid kit, tarpoling (6m square should be enough), hand saw, lighters, small mirror, compass, light waterproof jackets, string, hiking boots and the clothes we have on (so those won't add to the weight)...a couple of bags of rice if we don't find food immediately...sleeping bags, and a swiss army knife, a couple of saucepans. That 'should' be under 25 kilos, oh bar of soap, toothpaste and toothbrush...though that won't last too long, baking soda perhaps.


Of course you can get away with not having half of that, I guess it depends on the amount of devastation we've encountered, and how good you are at manipulating your environment. I'm sure someone will come up with a much better, or more imaginative list.


Obviously, 25 kilos of duct tape.


And yes, I would survive much better than most. I have broad practical scientific knowledge and a ruthless survival instinct. You guys should probably make me warlord.


I'd be just fine... until the electricity went. Then I'd be a helpless basket case. Which is pretty much already true every time we have a hurricane around here. :)


My wife, on the other hand, would easily cope. She's one of those quiet, reserved types that look completely innocent and helpless but in fact are burstingly resourceful. The kind that always come completely out of left field for the win in any kind of strategy game. You do NOT want to come between her and her goals!


So basically my post-apoc survival tactic would be to unleash the wife and hang on for the ride. (grin)

  Sisyphus said:
Obviously, 25 kilos of duct tape.


And yes, I would survive much better than most. I have broad practical scientific knowledge and a ruthless survival instinct. You guys should probably make me warlord.


you`d Fair Second to me, (IF you were Lucky!)


I would ensure that Big Brother-like people and/or his equivalents are killed in the aftermath of the apocalypse. After reading dystopia literature (of which all take place after a nuclear war or some other cataclysmic event), I would say that this would be one of the top priorities. So we could prevent a Brave New World, 1984, We, Fahrenheit 451, Equilibrium, etc. from ever coming into existence. It would be enormously difficult because in such an event, a lot of people will mistakenly look up to such models and people as symbols of hope...

  Pangloss said:
So basically my post-apoc survival tactic would be to unleash the wife and hang on for the ride. (grin)
Me too, but for a different reason. I think women in general see the big picture better and are better strategic thinkers. Men are better at tactics and focused performance.


So forget having Sisyphus or YT2095 as Warlord. I think Kitty (YT's wife), my wife and Pangloss' wife should form a triumvirate and tell the men what needs to be accomplished (with our helpful suggestions, of course), then set the men loose to do what needs to be done.

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