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Negative and Positive


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yeah. half way through the thread, i got confused myself on what we were talking about! I had to reread the whole thing to understand what was going on, even though i was following every new post!






i've GOT to improve my sPeLlInG

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YT2095 said in post # :

the true opposite of red is black, and the true opposite of green is also black :)

why isn't the opposite of green the absence of green from white?

green is the absence of red and blue from white (light, not paints), so shouldn't those two be opposites? black is just in the middle of those two.

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Equal masses of matter and antimatter will annihilate each other with the release of a vast amount of energy.


I suppose it depends how you want to define "opposite". Is mutual annihilation one of the criteria? It's difficult to tell. For instance we say wet is the opposite to dry, but one usually annihilates the other.

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It's an unusual question.


I just thought of an example that does involve mutual annihilation. If you walk East away from a fixed point, then walk back again, you've annihilated your journey by walking East and West.


Doesn't really help us find the opposite of green, admittedly.

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I think I should point out that an "anti-bubble" is not really an anti-bubble, it's a bubble. It just happens to have a non-conventional shape.


There's no problem with considering it to be a negative bubble though, but you need to apply the same process for anything you're comparing it to (light, matter, potatoes etc).

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Cap'n Refsmmat said in post # :

But technically, it's not anti-light, only anti-protons are the opposite, BUT light is it's own opposite, so the opposite of green is green! (just kidding)

This is too confusing.


you present an iteresting idea when talking about a specific color, phase cancelation with addative or subtractive synthesis of color would be interesting from a semantic point of veiw, it could be argued that it would be the opposite of Green, infact it would be a conflicting waveforn, peak to trough in anti-phase. the true opposite it black though, you`de be simply providing a means to obtain black :)

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