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whilst bored I messing about with NIB magnets and electricity and noticed Movement in the magnet when electrified, further experimentation making a pivot with a nail point as a bearing, it Spins!

I`m using DC electricity also, and this is working like a Motor!?


yes I realise it middle of March, but this NOT an April fools joke!


stick a NIB magnet to a nail head, stick the nail point to an iron plate, that plate is terminal 1 and terminal 2 is the nail body itself touching a wire.

it`ll Spin!


no I haven`t been Drinking either!


it makes no sense to me either, but I cannot disallow the evidence of Mine and My Wifes eyes either.


iron Plate (+ pole arbitrary) <---- (nail point) NIB Magnet stuck yo nail head.


this is set up Verticaly, so the nail is hanging by the point due to the magnetic force passing through the nail.


a wire (- pole also arbitrary) touches the nail body.


the the nail and magnet will start to spin!


Does the motion depend on the disposition of the nail's feedwire? Eliminate a magnetic field from it by trailing it down parallel to the nail, to near the plate. Does this change anything? I see a mechanism by which the B-field from a sideways-exiting feed will torque the magnet. Do you notice any net torque sideways when you start?


it will work with the wire directly under the nail so all is in a straight line, the only problem is as speed increases I lose the electrical connection :(


this nail isn`t 100% straight either, but it works with Screws too :)

anything that can stick to a magnet with a fine point to make a bearing.


it works with Batteries also as well as a mains PSU, a 1.5v alkaline C cell is perfectly acceptable.


I hope I haven`t Broken Physics :)


I hope I haven`t Broken Physics :)


If you have it is the best day of your life. What do we experience of the magnet itself when we rotate it rapidly? If you thought that magnetization was an innate negative current there would be a different result than if it were a positive current. I know it not so simple since the magnetism comes from atomic scale. In our rest-frame there is total charge neutrality. Is this the case still under rotation? Where's Sally when we need her?


I`ve no idea HOW this works, and it defies everything I understand about motors/magnets/electromagnets etc...


at face Value it`s an all Perm magnet motor, and that wouldn`t be strange at all inder AC current, but DC?

no windings, nothing at 90 degree opposition, it`s insanity, and actualy makes me feel a little uneasy watching it, Brain says Impossible, eyes say otherwise.


it gets even more strange looking when the nail tip is hung to the base plate of the C cell battery, and all you have is a Wire making contact!


a motor in 4 parts, one of which is the Power source!

and the other plain hook-up wire.


I`ve seen some shit in my time, but this takes the cake!


I think you'll find that there is, somewhere, and angle between the magnetic field and the current flow. The field of the magnet has to bend around on itself. Or, to look at it another way, the current flow creates a magnetic field that can interact with the field of the permanent magnet.


... pause to Google ...



This is similar to Faraday's first demonstration of motor action.

more here


or click here


and scroll down to "homopolar motor"


another thing to Google would be "Maxwell's motor"


Bingo! that`s the sucker more or less, I used a Nail instead and a rectangular magnet, although mine goes MUCH faster than those even on a AAA batt! :)

I`ve also modded the wire into a hoop at the other end to act as a collar (stability mainly).


nice Find Swansont :))



once again, YT Invents the wheel *sigh*


Stupid question coming up..... If this is not commonly called Maxwells Motor (which see), and obeys the right hand rule, I have seriously misunderstood something. (Highly likely)


hell if I Know what it`s called, all I know is that it Works and has something to do with Lorentz forces and special relativity, and I discovered it by accident whilst bored :)


erm... I think we`d ALREADY established what the thingy is dude :)


and as for feeling, it wasn`t at all euphoric, it was more akin to: NO WAY! this is bullshit, I`m still asleep!

kinda feeling.


If you spent a hundred hours grinding a telescope mirror, and then set it up and discovered Saturn, I would congratulate you and buy you a consolation beer, while breaking it gently to you that this was accomplished four hundred years ago, also. I got my nail to turn, and am quite thrilled. Draw the field lines of a tilted magnet and you may see that at the 90-degree sides, they share components which both add or subtract. One of a set of cartoons I drew of the Pitfalls of Theoretical Physics, says, wait at least a half hour before announcing great breakthroughs to anyone.


The last cartoon shows A.E. looking sad and saying, "Ah the cosmologic constant, my biggest blunder..." Then there's the woman at the table exclaiming, "It's perfect! Everything cancels." The little Oliphant figure in the corner comments, "Perfectly nothing." After that, a man at a desk: "Nothing cancels. This is a mess." Then too, there are the MAXWELL TARPITS, wherein lie many DEAD BONES .

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