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Cell phone study linking brain damage to cell phones raises new fears


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Excerpts from PopularScience.

Full article available here


The safety of cellphones has been called into question, again. This time the scientific community is paying very close attention.


Last summer neurosurgeon Leif Salford and colleagues at Lund University in Sweden published data showing for the first time an unambiguous link between microwave radiation emitted by GSM mobile phones (the most common type worldwide) and brain damage in rats. If Salford's results are confirmed by follow-up studies in the works at research facilities worldwide, including one run by the U.S. Air Force, the data could have serious implications for the one billion?plus people glued to their cellphones.


The findings have re-ignited a longstanding debate among scientists and cellphone manufacturers over cellphone safety.


Many of the hundreds of studies performed during the past decade suggest cellphone use may cause a host of adverse effects, including headaches and memory loss. Other studies, however, have shown no such effects, and no scientific consensus exists about the effect of long-term, low-level radiation on the brain and other organs. A comprehensive $12 million federal investigation of cellphone safety is currently under way but will take at least five years to complete.

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I pity the poor sods living directly under the repeater masts, like me and kitty for example. I live in the penthouse, and the door opposite mine to the roof is plastered in Radiation stickers and warnings :(

masts have to bend a little in the wind else they break, well, get a little pocket laser and shine it for a long distance and try and keep the beam steady, you can`t, your own heart beat precludes that possibility, the same applies to these masts!

no wonder our equiptment keeps locking up or the tv changes chans on it`s own etc... but what`s it doing to US!?

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Triband phones work in any country with a network worth using ;)


The one I'm getting on Thursday is triband, so if I ever go to the states I'll be able to phone faf and blike at 4 in the morning then hang up when they answer.



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Sayonara³ said in post # :

Triband phones work in any country with a network worth using ;)


The one I'm getting on Thursday is triband, so if I ever go to the states I'll be able to phone faf and blike at 4 in the morning then hang up when they answer.




you mean you don`t do that already? where`s your sense of fun man, I`ve been doing it for ages! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

moderation in everything I guess would be the best advice, too much of anything is BAD for you really.


also we need look at who sponsors these tests, it maybe to a companys advantage to play down the ill effects of such radiations in order to further themselves finacialy :(

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