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Hello everyone!


I am new to this list but I would like to share a digital library project-AMSER- with all of you. AMSER (the Applied Math and Science Education Repository) is a portal of educational resources and services built specifically for use by those in Community and Technical Colleges but free for anyone to use (and has quite a bit within appropriate for secondary and post-secondary levels). AMSER is a non-profit organization based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) as part of the National Science Digital Library (NSDL). We are a fairly new project, and are constantly adding new resources to our library. (About 200-300 per week) The resources we add to our site come from other online digital collections, staff (area expert) additions, as well as from faculty around the country. The goal of AMSER is not only to provide a site where instructors and students can find high-quality and authoritative web resources but to provide tools to use these resources as well. We provide a folder system (which allows you to share resources online), bulletin service (to update you with subject specific resources), saved searches, rating and comments systems and more. Because we are new, we looking for any feedback on improvements that could be made to the site to make it more useful. We are also always looking for any suggestions for high quality online material that we could add. This is where you all come in, please check out http://www.amser.org and help us make it a better and more useful site (as well as checking out any resources that you may find useful). Thanks so much in advance for your help and suggestions.


Chanda Halderman

Outreach and Collection Coordinator

AMSER (Applied Math and Science Education Repository)



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