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From back in the good old days:

<Gilded> The ghey field mediating particle is called Swedon, which has a spin of 1/5, which is bloody odd

<Gilded> Klaynos, it would have a integer spin, but the sheer fact that it's so gh3y takes 4/5 spin away

<Gilded> Summary: Ghey-particle is just like a photon with the 4/5 spin taken away, and mediates the ghey force which must be studied further

<Gilded> The overall energy of the Ghey-particle is E = frequency * current popularity of Village People

<Aeternus> Gilded: so can these Ghey particles be given off due to some form of radioactive decay?

<Gilded> Aeternus, no not really, but they have a bad tendency of turning normal photons into Gheys by hugging them

<RICHARDBATTY> well if the emit a field then they could induce a ghey flow in surrounding objects

<Gilded> The Ghey field itself is generated as a byproduct of nerve signals telling the owner of the nerves and brain to buy Backstreet Boys and Village People CDs, and possibly a few pink T-shirts while they're at it

<Gilded> RICH, this has been studied by placing several straight persons in the same room as Village People, but so far all test subjects have died due to a nervous breakdown caused by the sudden desire to leave their girlfriends and wives and buy LOTS of Village People merchandise

<RICHARDBATTY> if super colled would it for some sort of condensate

<yourdadonapogos> is there any way to block this gh3y field?

<RICHARDBATTY> i was thinking more like a poodle is just a sad dog but becomes very ghey when in proximity to a ghey field

<Gilded> A protective layer of hetero pr0n DVDs has been used and is still used in some test facilities

<Gilded> RICH, if the subject is unsure of his sexual orientation they can be very vulnerable to the devastating effect of the Ghey-field

<Gilded> Normally a plate armor of three DVD-layers is used

<Gilded> This is rather costy as you have to use high-grade professional pr0n

<RICHARDBATTY> shame you cant jam the field

<Gilded> It's being currently studied though

<yourdadonapogos> perhaps if we could generate an anti-gh3y field, we might be able to study it more safely

<yourdadonapogos> has anyone been able to produce an anti-swedon?

<Gilded> The only real concern here is the Village People and their popularity's relation to the overall energy of the Swedon

<RICHARDBATTY> if you had a good ghey reflecter and surounded the field the intensity should build and you hve a ghey bomb

<Gilded> Because if Village People becomes infinitely popular, the universe will collapse under an infinite Ghey-field

<Gilded> RICH, United Nations prohibits the use of Ghey-weaponry, it's just too inhuman

<RICHARDBATTY> drop the bomb the mirror breaks unleashing an intense ghey field upon you enemys

<RICHARDBATTY> they all go get indian outfits

<RICHARDBATTY> cop out fits


<RICHARDBATTY> and we win

<Gilded> A promising field of research is the Martha Stewart -field which seems to reflect all sexually charged particles

<Gilded> However, even seconds under a heavy Martha Stewart flux can cause your brain to go on Infinite Knitting mode for an indefinate time, possibly the rest of your life

<Klaynos> sometimes I am genuinly scared

<Gilded> *Yawn*

<RICHARDBATTY> hmm i wonder if a gaser weapon is possible

<Gilded> It is fairly easy to stimulate a compound called backstreetboysonite with very ghey music to have it raise to a super-high level of gheyness

<Gilded> And then emit high-energy Ghey-particles

<Gilded> Or Swedons, as the proper name goes

  • 3 weeks later...
<Capn_Refsmmat> I believe my last nightmare involved Charlie Brown forgetting to deliver a bucket of air to a hotel room.

<Capn_Refsmmat> That also somehow resulted in a convoy of armored vehicles running off the road

  • 4 months later...
<drochaid> John_away: she's only here to sex Klaynos

<John_away> RAWFL

<jen> im too intimidated from all the guys.

* Klaynos hugs jen

<John_away> that's why I'm here, actually.

<avenj> drochaid: me too


/me feels loved!

  • 2 weeks later...

<Latex-Lucy> I was trained by Dr Seuss, you will Never beat me in words !

<Boten-Anna> :(

* You are now known as Beetle-battle

<Boten-Anna> I'd beat you in penis size though

* You are now known as Fox-in-Sox

<Fox-in-Sox> yup, yer Deffinately a bigger prick than me!

  • 1 month later...

<jacobo> guys i been married three times , and my recomendation to you is enjoy chemistry


here's another one:


*** ecoli has quit (Quit: sausage fest)

<mooeypoo> O.O

*** ecoli has joined #sfn

*** ChanServ sets mode +h on ecoli

<mooeypoo> sausage fest?

<mooeypoo> you're *that* horny?

<yourdadonapogos> rofl

Looking up irc.oppresses.us

* Unknown host. Maybe you misspelled it?

Cycling to next server in SFN...

* Disconnected ().

* Looking up irc.oppresses.us


What lie? Your quote was teh ultimate truth.


* antimatter beats yoda with a bowling pin

<antimatter> better?

* yoda stabs antimatter in the aorta with a 1.3kg wad of lime Jell-O shaped like "Dr" Hovind

<antimatter> okay, that's just not funny. that happened to a close friend in 1st grade

<antimatter> there was green gelatin everywhere...

  Klaynos said:
For the shear enormity of the lie.


At first glance I thought that said "slut", and I was wondering where this so-called lie was.

  yourdadonapogos said:
What lie? Your quote was teh ultimate truth.


* antimatter beats yoda with a bowling pin

<antimatter> better?

* yoda stabs antimatter in the aorta with a 1.3kg wad of lime Jell-O shaped like "Dr" Hovind

<antimatter> okay, that's just not funny. that happened to a close friend in 1st grade

<antimatter> there was green gelatin everywhere...


My first time quoted in this thread, and I'm already talking about beating people with bowling pins...

Not to mention involved in the malicious insulting of creationist 'doctors'.


  Sayonara³ said:
At first glance I thought that said "slut", and I was wondering where this so-called lie was.


Harsh, but fair.

  yourdadonapogos said:

*** ecoli has quit (Quit: sausage fest)

<mooeypoo> O.O

*** ecoli has joined #sfn

*** ChanServ sets mode +h on ecoli

<mooeypoo> sausage fest?

<mooeypoo> you're *that* horny?

<yourdadonapogos> rofl


/me has learned an important lesson about the differences between /quit and /leave

Posted (edited)

<Capn_Refsmmat> he's a special boy

<DonutHole> hmm, i just realized. we shouldn't talkabout him

<Capn_Refsmmat> be nice to him



Edited by Klaynos
<YDOAPS> antimatter, feeling a bit ghey today?

<YDOAPS> I'll check.

<antimatter> ydoaps, feeling a bit n00b today?

* YDOAPS gets out his gheydar



Posted (edited)

<mooeypoo> aaaa

<mooeypoo> aaaaaa!!!!

<mooeypoo> AAAAAA!!!!

<John> ????????????????

<mooeypoo> i was... <sniffs>

<mooeypoo> i was roaming through the .. the yearbook thread

<John> http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showpost.php?p=46683&postcount=4

<John> best picture, EVAR

<John> that's my neighbor btw

<mooeypoo> ... <shaking> .. I .. I.. I.. saw ydoap's picture... and tho it's all blurry and .. nerdyish... i... i... actually had a "hey, cute!" thought passing through my head

<mooeypoo> aaaaaaaaa!!!

<John> forced to sign up by nature of our relationship

<mooeypoo> SAVE ME!

<mooeypoo> ... no, no, not save me... KILL MEEEEE

<John> URL=

<mooeypoo> i'm infected

<mooeypoo> http://www.scienceforums.net/forum/showpost.php?p=191338&postcount=18

<YDOAPS> mooeypoo, it's not my fault I'm cute

<John> lol YDOAPS

<John> you know it's funny, though I've never seen you

<John> that picture is completely how i imagined you

<John> all alone in the dark with your batman mask on

<mooeypoo> haha

<John> in front of the PC

<mooeypoo> ok, ydoaps you need a new pic. now. i wanna see.

<mooeypoo> i deserve it, i said you're cute.




<antimatter> I would take a break but SFN is the last remaining remnant of a social life I have

Edited by ydoaPs
multiple post merged
  yourdadonapogos said:


<antimatter> I would take a break but SFN is the last remaining remnant of a social life I have


So sad...



<antimatter> but I just like Kevin Spacey

<antimatter> he's my favorite actor

<iNow> is that like the Liger being a favorite animal?

<antimatter> ...


  Klaynos said:
<mooeypoo> hm... you are cute.. too bad you're a guy.

Well, theres a limit to how much I'm willing to compromise.

Capn_Refsmmat> I think YDOAPS might go into withdrawal

* Capn_Refsmmat makes a mooeypoo patch

<Klaynos> urmm hitting him over the head with a shovel is not a patch!

<Capn_Refsmmat> shhh, he wasn't supposed to know the treatment

* Klaynos kicks YDOAPS' prone body... don't think he can hear us


Amusing, if I may saw so myself.


<Moniker42> ...

<Gilded> I think that should go in the IRC quotes thread tbh

<YDOAPS> Capn_Refsmmat, if i posted that in the irc quotes thread, would it get deleted?

<Capn_Refsmmat> Yes.

<YDOAPS> :'(

<Moniker42> completely censor out all the offensive words

* Raxo has quit (Quit: Leaving)

<Moniker42> So, there's this guy right

<Moniker42> Who's *** while some sort of psychedelic music is playing on the background

<Moniker42> And it becomes apparent that there's this other guy

<Moniker42> And just before the first guy *** he drives a tack or something through his ***, resulting in an intense spray of *** and *** on the other guy's face

<Moniker42> actually, that's not much better at all.

<Gilded> :D

<Gilded> Filling in the blanks, fun for the whole family

<YDOAPS> it's like mad libs

<Gilded> The first blank is obviously "dancing", second one is "busts a move", third one is "sheet of plywood" and fourth one is "hot chocolate" and the fifth one is "raspberry jam"


<ydoaPs> bites mooeypoo

John snap crackle and pops ydoaPs

<ydoaPs> sorry, John. I'm not into dudes. try Gilded


roflmao, I love you guys

Posted (edited)

* Moniker42 stimulates Gilded

<YDOAPS> ewww

* Gilded doesn't respond to stimulation of any sort

<Gilded> And that's why I can stare at the sun all day while stabbing my palms with bread knives

* YDOAPS didn't think bread knives were good for stabbing

<Gilded> Yeah I just realized that

<YDOAPS> aren't they round at the end?

<Gilded> Better for slicing

<Gilded> Some are

<Gilded> I almost sliced off my thumb one day when I was opening a juice carton with a bread knife

<Gilded> That's probably why they're called the most dangerous knives in the kitchen

<Fuzzwood> <Gilded> That's probably why they're called the most dangerous knives in the kitchen <== no thats why you arent allowed to employ cutting tools

<Gilded> Are you trying to tell me not to open juice cartons with a serrated blade? Madness!

<Gilded> It's incredibly fast compared to actually opening it the way the designers want you to

<Capn_Refsmmat> you could just design a horizontal guillotine

<Gilded> And besides the feeling of shredding cardboard is almost erotic

<Raxo> ...

<Capn_Refsmmat> this is disturbing

<Gilded> I suppose a laser would suffice too but it might leave an unpleasant aftertaste

Edited by ydoaPs
  yourdadonapogos said:
* Moniker42 stimulates Gilded

<YDOAPS> ewww

* Gilded doesn't respond to stimulation of any sort

<Gilded> And that's why I can stare at the sun all day while stabbing my palms with bread knives

* YDOAPS didn't think bread knives were good for stabbing

<Gilded> Yeah I just realized that

<YDOAPS> aren't they round at the end?

<Gilded> Better for slicing

<Gilded> Some are

<Gilded> I almost sliced off my thumb one day when I was opening a juice carton with a bread knife

<Gilded> That's probably why they're called the most dangerous knives in the kitchen

<Fuzzwood> <Gilded> That's probably why they're called the most dangerous knives in the kitchen <== no thats why you arent allowed to employ cutting tools

<Gilded> Are you trying to tell me not to open juice cartons with a serrated blade? Madness!

<Gilded> It's incredibly fast compared to actually opening it the way the designers want you to

<Capn_Refsmmat> you could just design a horizontal guillotine

<Gilded> And besides the feeling of shredding cardboard is almost erotic

<Raxo> ...

<Capn_Refsmmat> this is disturbing

<Gilded> I suppose a laser would suffice too but it might leave an unpleasant aftertaste


See what happens when I'm not there..?


<bascule> Einstein Was Wrong

<bascule> Wrong Wrong Wrong

<bascule> he thought he was so smart, but I'm smarter

<antimatter> About what, exactly?

<bascule> my theory of reverse gravitometry explains everything relativity does, and more

<antimatter> reverse gravitometry

<antimatter> ?

<bascule> yes, you just have to realize that gravity = time

<antimatter> how?

<bascule> just use this equation 1 * gravity + 30 * planck's constant = 6 * pi + 33 / the age of the universe ^ 2

<bascule> = TIME

<bascule> + 42


I think bascule might be onto something...

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