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<mooeypoo> we're all nerds here

<ydoaPs> i'm not a nerd

<mooeypoo> some of us are hot nerds

<ydoaPs> i'm just a loser

<mooeypoo> you're not a loser

<mooeypoo> you're winningly challenged


It's all about the phrasing..


As evidenced by the last few quotes the richness of the conversation at #sfn is truly incredible. So join #sfn. OR DIE (by natural causes, someday).

<Gilded> I'm always secretly disappointed when I find out that the conversation at hand isn't about coprophilia
This is full of win.

13:50:53 <Capn_Refsmmat> someone ought to do a psychological study into the minds of Crackpots

13:52:54 Raxo dons his psychological hat

13:53:00 <Raxo> THEY'RE NUTS

13:53:06 Raxo takes off the hat

13:55:05 <Capn_Refsmmat> thank you for that insightful commentary

  • 2 weeks later...
<Klaynos> photons are NOT cars though

<Klaynos> they have no interenal energy conversion method

<SFN33163> yes they are


Motor Daddy on cars and photons...

<MotorDaddy> So define distance, then. It shouldn;t be a problem.

<ajb> ds^{2} = g_{\mu \nu}(x)dx^{\mu}dx^{\nu}

<ajb> point being we need to define the metric g_{\nu \mu}(x)

<ajb> it does not usually come for free

<ajb> for example, consider just R^{2} and give it the Euclidean metric

<ajb> then ds^{2} = dx^{2} + dy^{2} with g_{a b} = \delta_{ab}

<MotorDaddy> Where is X=0

<ajb> so we get just Pythagora's rule

<ajb> what is X?

<MotorDaddy> I don't know.

Couldn't resist.

Yes, I was quite amused by the question "where is X?", only to find out none had an idea what X is! LOL

MotorDaddy: What do the green plus signs mean on the right side of the screen?

ecoli: idk

ecoli: are you using the java app?

ecoli: ah yes, you are

MotorDaddy: I don;t know, I just click on chat on the top of the board.

ecoli: oh

ecoli: those are the people who have voice

MotorDaddy: Oh, so you can talk on this chat?

ecoli: well, I can set the mode so the room becomes moderated

ecoli: in that case, only the people who have voice can talk

MotorDaddy: I mean, do people actually talk to each other, or just type?

ecoli: no, type

mode (+m ) by ecoli

ecoli: see you can't talk now

ecoli: "talk"

ecoli: talk = type

mode (-m ) by ecoli

ecoli: see?

MotorDaddy: test

MotorDaddy: Do you guys communicate with voice?

ecoli: no, voice is just a mode you can set on users

ecoli: IRC doesn't have voice chat

MotorDaddy: I don;t see a green plus sign next to my username.

ecoli: because you don't have voice

ecoli: neither does John or the Cap'n

MotorDaddy: What does the plus sign represent?

ecoli: having voice

MotorDaddy: I don't have voice?

ecoli: no

MotorDaddy: I'm lost. lol

MotorDaddy: What is voice?

ecoli: *sigh*


Don't worry though, he got it eventually

  • 2 months later...

* ydoaPs has 1335 songs on his playlist

<Raxo> get 2 more

<ydoaPs> after two more, i don't think i could bear to get any more

<Raxo> 4d 15:33:12.469

<Raxo> worth of music

* ydoaPs only has 3.4d

<Raxo> 2d 20:31:14.228 in my playlist

<Gilded> 1wk 0d 13:40:43.428

<Raxo> damn you

<Gilded> Hmm actually I hadn't updated the playlist in a while

<Gilded> 1wk 1d 4:27:58.474

<Gilded> Most of it is crap though :D

<ydoaPs> Raxo, keep in mind that Gilded has no job and spends all day illegally downloading porn and music

<Raxo> ahh

<Gilded> That is completely inaccurate

<Gilded> I also download movies and games and watch and play them, respectively


Just to point out the topic says:


* Topic for #sfn is: We are here you just need to wait a few mins after talking!


Yes, we can all edit our posts :P

  • 2 weeks later...

<Gilded> I've probably told this before but I've seen Avril Lavigne live



<Raxo> *TEENY



proof that Gilded likes the little girls


16 is legal. :(


Anyway, these conveniently selected quotes make me seem like some sort of perverted, insane, lazy nolife bum. How absurd!


<Gilded> "Teachers should not be prosecuted for having affairs with their sixth formers, a union chief has said."

<Gilded> I think I'm going to be a teacher

  Gilded said:

Anyway, these conveniently selected quotes make me seem like some sort of perverted, insane, lazy nolife bum. How absurd!


Since when has absurd meant "accurate"?


<Gilded> I sort of need to go to the shop but at this hour there are all kinds of elderly and weird people there

<Raxo> so?

<Capn_Refsmmat> Don't worry, you're weird enough


gonna rag on myself here

<Capn_Refsmmat> It's always fun to sit around thinking what certain people would be like drunk

<Raxo> i want to be drunk on irc once

<Gilded> Or alternatively what the would be like sober

<Raxo> see if any good quotes show up

<Capn_Refsmmat> or if you can spell any better

<Raxo> Capn_Refsmmat, i hoep i can

  • 2 weeks later...

Nerd boredom can be dangerous...



(+nitric) im also doing some java programin(clock)

(+mooeypoo) nice

(+nitric) yah its boring

(+nitric) im using bluej compiler

(+bascule) Java sucks

(+nitric) you suck

(+bascule) no, I mother****ing rule

(+bascule) Java sucks

(+mooeypoo) O.o

(+nitric) no you dont

(+bascule) Apparently you're confused, so let me clear it up for you: you're wrong

(+bascule) Java = ass, /me = awesome

(+mooeypoo) this is so going to the quotes thread.


And just for the record, *I* rule. You two are nerds.

  insane_alien said:
funny definition of nice gilded has there.


Knowing is half the battle. If people didn't know about fecal bacteria they wouldn't have that much of a reason to wash up after a Boston pancake.


PS. If you don't know what a Boston pancake is I don't recommend looking it up. Especially on an image search.


I have no idea what a Boston pancake refers to, and I was about to do what I always do to find stuff out and type it into google, but then I realised that in the context it was used, that probably would not be a good idea.


I'm terrified.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

roflmao, "You got me at 'hello'":



••• mOde: (ChanServ) sets (+v Aerv)

••• jOin: (Moniker42) (***@***.co.uk)

••• mOde: (ChanServ) sets (+v Moniker42)

(Moled) Aerv ;[

(+Aerv) hi

(Moled) what are you upto these days? :o

(+Aerv) work, wow, sex, etc.


Pearls, Gilded. Pearls.



(+Gilded) Need to get me one of these: http://apina.nwpshost.com/10326.png

(mooeypoo) ?

(mooeypoo) nerd.

(+Gilded) Nothing nerdy about buying a shirt that's essentially the ultimate p*$$y magnet in the history of the universe

(+Gilded) Cures AIDS, too

(mooeypoo) dude

(mooeypoo) the only p*$$y this magnetizes is the homeless meowing kind that wasn't caught by thai restaurants.

(+Gilded) Well, a cat is fine too... http://kurogane.animeblogger.net/image/manga/doujin/typemoon/ren08.jpg

(mooeypoo) this is so going for the quotes thread.


...and 2 seconds later:



(+Gilded) P*$$y doesn't get through the censor filter on the forums?

(mooeypoo) apparently not

(+Gilded) That's one tight filter


I propose a new user award for next year: The Gilded Award for pwning your own words on IRC.

Edited by mooeypoo
multiple post merged

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