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On Violence & War (Precursor to domestic American violence.)


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An Abbreviated History of the Eurasian Horsepeople

The Hinges Of History

The Grass Routes Of World Civilization

EuroAmerica’s Undone Homework & How It Is Done

The Full Circle Of Consequential Warfare

(Condensed from 415 pages)



by K B Robertson, Copyright © 1994, ‘95 & 2001

(Note: The word ‘civilization’ has two correct spellings: with a ‘z’; or an ‘s’, i.e. ‘civilisation’.)


A Generally Unrecognized Real History Of Western Civilization And The United States



What is there in common with The Domino Theory, Genghis Khan, ‘The Original Holocaust’, The Origins Of The International Slave Market, The Age Of Exploration, The New England Colonization, Global Circumnavigation, The Domino Theory: Backwards, and The Vietnam War?

QUESTION: What do these considerations have in common?

ANSWER: More than you may realize. Much more indeed.


Summary of Chapters




The Original Dragon's Egg

Grass: The First Living Planetary Nomad

The Pastoral Infantry Invaders


The Sedentary Agriculturists:


The Nomad Infantry & Chariot Invasions:

On World Civilization - 4400 BC


Very Early Animal Ancestors: The High Plains Adrifter

The Domestication Of The Horse

Dayshift In The Grasslands

The Cattle Culture




The Equine Family Stable: 4 Kinds Of Horses:

Barb, Norwegian Dun, Przhevalski & Arabian

'Barbarian' is originally the beard, on a Barb(arian) Horse

The Four Kinds Of Warfare:

Primitive-Ritual, True, Real & Nuclear Warfare

The Four Revolutions In Warfare

Chariot Warfare, Cavalry Warfare, Gunpowder & Nuclear Warfare

The Three Kinds Of Cultures:

Trading Cultures / Trading & Raiding Cultures & Raiding Cultures.

Defensive Armor:

Plate / Scale & Mail.




The History Of Killing At A Distance: For Food Gathering & Warfare

The Evolution Of The Club-Staff/Spear-Lever/Lance: Bow & Arrow

Enter The Chinese Dragon

The Buddha & The Apparently Original Bogeyman

The Chinese Lion Dog:

Animal Employment Of High Technology: The Iron Guardian

Chinese Silken Armor & Sioux Ghost Shirts




The Errors Of Voltaire, Gibbon And Clausewitz:

Regarding European Philosophy, History and Warfare

The Champion Masters Of War:

55 Of The Approximately 90 Horsepeople Tribes

A Reign Of Horsemen

Genghis Khan As Illiterate Engineer

The Real Amazon Women Warriors

Hornets & Honeybees

The Parting Parthian Shot




The Difference Between Killing And Murder

The World's Most Powerful Women

The Mighty Darius & The Scythian Rabbit

Warfare And Slavery

Horse People And Hemp

Soldiers Are Not As Other Men

Western Europe's Renaissance & Why It Occurred




A Mongol Definition

The Difference Between Huns & Germans

Vikings & The Battle Of Hastings

The Difference Between Politics & Culture,

Agriculture & Pastoralism,

Is The Difference Between Civilization & Nomads

The Fall Of Kiev, Kracow And Liegnitz; The Sack Of Moravia

H. G. Wells And Horsepeople

The Great Wall Of China And Why It Was Built

The Era Of Genghis Khan's Yassa : Unification Of Horsewarriors




The Mongol Invasion Of Europe

The Siege Of Baghdad

An Abbreviated Chinese Mongol History

There Can Only Be One Kha Khan - The Mongol Civil Wars

The King Eclipse Of The Yuan Mongol Dynasty

The Taj Mahal And Why It Was Built

The Forbidden History Of Europe And The United States

Marco Polo - European Liaison To Kublai Khan:

Western Europe Pays Tribute By Sacrificing Eastern Europe




The European Flight To The New World

ReDiscovering The United States

Edward Gibbon's Decline & Folly Of The Romantic Umpire

The Reverse Domino Theory

('No Cover-Ups In This Administration')

The Yellow Peril

The Original Domino Theory


Circle The Dragons




The Forbidden History Of Europe & The United States.

The Declination And Folly Of Western Civilization

War Is Fun:


Civilization And +Psy-War: War Is A Joke

Western Civilization Salutes The East


Entertainingly Amusing Violence In Two Dimensions:

Tragic Violence - That We Must Stop! In Three Dimensions


Network Television Crazymaking PANIC AT THE INSANITY FACTORY

1984's Orwellia Takes Away Books.

Huxley's BRAVE NEW WORLD extinctifies Reading Interest.




The Seville Statement

Where to Start Stopping the Infrastructural Violence

The Rape Mentality

The Seville Statement II

Bibliography & AFTERWARD

153 - 159






*Chapter One


How many high school and college educated people understand the history of the nomads and their massive impact on shaping biological life and human civilization Itself, all over the world for nearly two hundred fifty million years: in the case of nomadic biological grass and flowers, and seven millennia in the case of human warfare?


How many understand that 'camel caravans’ and so-called ‘desert dwellers’ are only a narrow consideration in the subjection of nomads. Bedouins for example, are certainly a noble lot of hardy nomadic peoples, they are not, however, a horsepeople culture. How many educated Americans or Europeans are familiar historically, with the EuroAsian 'horse people'?


The unfortunate generalized answer to all of the above questions is that very few such educationally qualified people have much familiarity at all with the presented subjects. That is to say, nomadism and horse. people; with regard to their historical roles and importance and: how they have been inadvertently and deliberately placed in 'the back-ground’ of world history - where any such history exists at all acknowledging the megalithic historical role of the generally illiterate, unwashed pagan horsepeople, relative to civilization and its citizens...


Post graduated Westerners get one look at this title and respond:

"I get the CIVILIZATION & WAR part...

But, where do the NOMADS come into the historical picture?”


The improved question is:

How and why did the nomads get left out of the picture?

The neglected subjects - horse peoples - were illiterate; historical events regarding them were almost exclusively reflected by writers from the generally dominated, civilized cultures; hence the measurably residual historical negligence: aimed at the general omission and/or deliberate diminishment of such an enormously important historical perspective; being so vainly obscured, withheld so successfully, from so many, by so few, for such a long time.



The record has spent much time in the passively ambient, invigorating milieu of many modest and large community and city libraries, in the United States and Europe, for the past 45 years: In Search Of Genghis Khan, and, Where He Originated, and how, and why. Finding the way darkened and obscurely marked; sensing first a rustle of grass, a yellow flower, a faint whinny and then slowly, a gathering stormy rime of ice, lightning, heat and thunder: steppe ponies and warriors alternately screaming as horses; roaring as lion dogs and the sea - insuperable as the red flowering span of windblown horsepeople’s ordu (Horde) fires upon the great, grassy blu-green ocean of trans-EuroAsian tumult . Realm Of The Great EuroAsian Continental Green Grass RiverDragon.


Herein is the successful literary siege of academically resurrected Chinese Mongol Orkhon's tumens (cavalry divisions of ten thousand), finally piercing and sacking what had been impenetrably indomitable, sedentary library stacks. A Modern Academic Coup: An unanticipated Armageddon, hitherto unrecognized, springing from the ordinary records of most any large library in the world.


THE GOLDEN BOUGH of the gestalted West, revealed to be originally rooted in the pre-historic STAG HIERARCHY; out of THE ROYAL HORDES of the East.



From the beginning of what is known of horsepeople is their establishment of army leadership hierarchy, via the leader-tribe-nation who dominates and unifies the most people through warfare. This is the system of THE ROYAL HORDES. A kind of human parody of hierarchical establishment as determined by any number of different kinds of animals; certainly including the stag, the horns of which were among the first tools and weapons utilized by humankind; much later decoratively venerated by nomadic horse-people - and most pre-historic Paleo-Meso-Neolithic human communities - for millennia; for at least 8,000 - 12,000 years.


Giving access to what was previously unreachable. Making typographically near the chronologically distant. Making academically easy the historically difficult. All the histrionic loot in the world sequestered away - previously unmended, disunited patches in a trans-oceanic EuroAmerican library collective; un-navigably adrift in tempestuous European tea-pots.


The Arrogant, traditionally myopic Western back to the Prohibitively Terrifying East...

(Where the Ho-Hum tea in all the fiercely rattling English pots came from; noted in poorly translated parentheses, when noted at all. The anthologically gathered history herein, making previously outlawed Asian tea for the Europeans, and North American Indian popcorn by, of and for the self deprecating, sadly ignorant, self-destructivively amused EuroAmericans...)


Rivers of parenthetically confined blood, sweat and tears; for five thousand historically neglected, revisionally omitted, covered up, prevaricated and/or deliberately and inadvertently obscured years...



Central Asia. A terrible, beautiful place. The Near, Middle & Far East. Mega-Realm of the terribly beautiful Master Of World War - The Emperor's Dragon: King Of Animals.


Looming less inscrutable and more two dimensionally static. Like George Gamow's FLATLAND beneath the growing shadow of the subjected, accelerating nomadic parameters; under the metaphorically thrown, 4-dimensionally wide-loop of the provided horsepeople's Five Millennium, horse-hair woven lassos. Launched by cruel north country horsemen who lay hold on bow and spear; have no mercy, and, whose grassland-choir voices collectively roar over the vast, transcontinental EuroAsian steppes - Nature’s scathing answer to the puny man-made monument to the highest civilization’s Appian Way - like the angry, howling prarie-sea.


An awesome, anthropomorphically only-human thought: NOMADS, CIVILIZATION & WAR began to be an unknown, unexcercised - but functionally manifest - title about 3,000 years before Christ. Indifferently waiting for this humble plebeian record to unearth it from scattered, disconnected oblivion on a thousand unattended, ethnographically uncharted pedantic/scholastic shelves. NOMADS, CIVILIZATION & WAR was titularly unprecedented - academically marooned and passively unrecognized, if not deliberately ostracized; for counter educational, stigmatically studded reasons - until 1994 AD: there are past and present political as well as historical revelations, therefore, in the foregoing.


Leaving everything in life including the very grass a little greener; meadow land and wild flowers more abundant, and sweeter - forevermore. Were it only that the record had been lucky enough to have picked up and read a book such as this one, forty five (and 5,000) years ago.


in being so honored to deliver this Nomad World History Book - perhaps the only replication of the lost *MONGOL GOLDEN HISTORY BOOK - *‘The Altyn Debtor’, which, like the female God, ‘Ashura’ was extinctified - by near and far, hysterically misogynic chauvinist male ‘historical revisionists’ who academically murdered the female counterpart for the Semite God ‘Yahweh’, then covered up the figurative - historically revisional - murder of Ashura; then covered up the coverup. This appears to be what happened to *The Mongol Golden History Book (‘The Altyn Debtor’), for reasons that will be further subjected as this historicial discussion progresses.


(*Not to be confused with the floridly styled, accurately historied, Persian scribe rendered SECRET HISTORY OF THE MONGOLS, which is still accessible to academia and the reading public. Mike Edwards, of NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, compares the SECRET HISTORY OF THE MONGOLS as being unto Genghis Khan, what Homer’s ODYSSEY is to Odysseus.)


(Introduction, continued)



Offered herein, among other edification's, is tentative light upon the horse-archer originated stigma projected on Semites, and the Yellow, Mongol - and White Mongolian - race. Including the consummately proven, unwelcome revelation that Caucasian Europe: is not as ‘White’ as its trans-globally incumbent reputation.


That, EuroAsia does not actually find its borders on the parameters of Eastern Hungary and Poland (Western Europe’s so called ‘buffer zone’, insulating it from far eastern aggression), but that EuroAsia actually stretches from the Pacific to the Mediterranean: across about 90º of earthly *latitude.

Cause of the Great European Migrations

The instrumentation of azimuth and sextant, measuring latitude and longitude respectively; when accompanied by an accurate chart as well as a chronograph (clock), and an up to date Ephemeris (an annual chart, pinpointing the day by day changing positions of key celestial sources of light at given times), is all any adroit navigator requires, combined with an accurate chronograph (timepiece; allowing the navigator to know exactly ‘when’ he is, in order to accurately determine ‘where’ he is), as well as accurate instrumentation for measuring the relative and real motions of heavenly bodies (‘the celestial vault’), was inspired to invention, development and application, by Western Europe’s urgency to accurize navigation and develop navies, birthing the ‘Age Of Exploration’, so as to augment international trade, and, to escape the Euroasian continent and its masters, the Chinese Mongol Horsepeople:


All of this and more, proven herein by the record, which authenticates itself on the foundations of the some of the greatest (still relatively ‘obscure’ and generally unknown) writings, by world class past and present historians - from Herodotus, to Socrates and Plato, to Voltaire, Clausewitz, Gibbon, Bury, Liddel, Wells, Durant, Bronowski, Spuler, Phillips, Chambers, Trippett & Keegan: the enormous contributions - and some apparent errors - of whom are anthologised in the foregoing (Culminating to the fastest growing violent crime in America - the physical abuse; including rape - of women and children by adult men. A critically important 'domestic phenomenon', of which most polled people are <remarkably enough> unaware. Invoking the anecdote that no problem can be resolved until if and when it is recognized and acknowledged.)


There isn't much in this condensed anthology & narrative, that hasn't been and is not still entirely available to anyone who can read any language; who has access to most any large library, anywhere in the world.

(With acknowledgement, this copyrighted material may be produced and distributed for education and non-commercial purposes.)

Excerpts to be continued - not necessarily in sequence with the Table of Contents.

- K. B. Robertson

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In a recent discussion with a sincere 'anti-war-pro-peace advocate, this record offered that it had attended a meeting, of peace proponents - an array of Committees for Non Violence - from all over the United States and Europe, who met at SWORDS & PLOW-SHARES on Mission Street In San Francisco in the early 1980’s. There were many different and oppositional view-points expressed at that time and place as to what might or not be the best way to create and maintain peace In the world. One point, however, that everyone there uniformly agreed on was, that each and every sovereign nation must keep and maintain a standing military for self defense purposes in order to assure peace as well as to risk war, of course.


I asked the subjected, peace promulgating man of the ‘90’s if he knew of any nation in the world that didn't have a military, since he had interrupted the record to proclaim that the abolition of militarism should have happened a long time ago, and that ‘war doesn’t accomplish anything’, resolving that 'some countries don't have a military'. I asked him what countries he was referring to. He hesitated for a full thirty seconds, finally 'answering' with a question:


The record reminded the young peacemaker that Switzerland may be the most fortified country in the world and has one of the most highly trained and well equipped standing armies and, that what he had probably confused for the absence of a military was in fact Switzerland's traditional policy of ‘nuetrality' when it comes to wars on the European continent... The well intended, characteristically underinformed adversary reluctantly agreed. He could not furthermore think of any 'other' country that doesn't have a standing military, at least for self-defensive purposes... (Puerto Rico is without a military, but is protected by the United States; as are the East and West Indies.)


All of this is to consider the importance of understanding what it is that you are opposed to, and especially in the spirit of being opposed to war itself. Antiwar activism In Vietnam between 1965 and 1975 would mean nothing - except treason - to the Vietnamese people, who were obliged at that time to fight a defensive war. Ostensibly, some wars are perceived differently, depending on the perspective of the aggressor or the defender. That is to say, there are In fact 'right' wars and 'wrong' wars. 'Good' warmakers and 'bad' warmakers. These are some of the differences between defensive warfare and offensive warfare; between obligatory killing and 'optional', avoidable murder; esp. when the oppressor is assured of success.


Blessed Be The Peacemakers

Abolishing war is a very high and well-intended goal therefore. But Sun Tzu, author of the 2,000 year old THE ART OF WAR (based on the I CHING; translated to English and distributed for the lst time in the U.S., in 1988), strongly advises - whenever possible - the studying of every enemy to the fullest degree possible, before the engagement of that enemy.


That is to say, in order to eliminate the acknowledged scourge - and unfortunately accompanying constructive industrial, scientific, medicinal and theological tonic - of war from the socio-human experience, it is best to understand as much as possible about what it is we are attempting to abolish;and how that accomplishment may be most realistically - and expediently - achieved: how and what non-destructive incentive(s) may inspire people to industrious, scientific and socially progression: without the abominably costly motivational impetus of war.


'Humanity must put an end to war; before war puts an end to humanity'.

- J.F.K.


"In times of war: truth is the first casualty.”

- Sen. Hiram Johnson, 1917

(Paraphrased from An ancient Greek axiom)


“When you tell the truth, be sure you have one foot in the stirrup.”

- An Old Mongol Proverb


The European culture at large, certainly including the United States, Is in fact for, these self-revealing reasons of historical ignorance, socially instilled denial, and Informational evasion, alarmingly ill-equipped to fullfill the agreed-upon noble mission of the peacemakers: who are quick to oppose war, and equally reluctant to understand what it is that they disagree and conflict with.


In John Keegan's A HISTORY OF WARFARE, copyright 1994, he quotes Aldous Huxley proclaiming that + ‘An intellectual is someone who has found something more interesting than sex .’

Keegan goes on to say that +’A civilized person is definable as someone who has found something more interesting than combat ( war/ violence )’:


The record is honored to narratively and anthologically re-authenticate that the knowledgeably empowered pen continues to be mightier than the historically deleting sword, and that: Europe & The U.S. have Another - Functionally Forbidden - History.


May You Encounter Peace, Herein:


by K B Robertson (Aka: 'The White Mongol')

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