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Sanctity of Marriage?


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1 - There is nothing stopping homosexual men in general from reproducing whatsoever, other than choice. Many gay men do reproduce,


They do not produce offspring with each other though, which was probably the intended point.

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blike said in post # :

They do not produce offspring with each other though, which was probably the intended point.

Granted, but still - is that a valid comparison?


1) Not all hetero copulation produces offspring,


2) Not all reproductive events are carried out in a conventional manner anyway (surrogacy & IVF, sperm donation, egg donation, caesarian sections and what have you).

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atinymonkey said in post # :

Ok. That's just insulting. I'm offended by that statement on so many levels. You can’t insinuate people should kill themselves just because they don't conform your personal idea of normal.


If you have inflammatory viewpoints, you should discuss them in a reasonable way. If your not capable of accepting a lifestyle, you should at least attempt to be civil about it.


I stated what I`de do, and in response to an equaly insulting post.

and if you rem, I did state that I will leave this chat as to not get into any trouble.

I NEVER ONCE said they should kill themselves? I`m sure noone else did either, I as in ME specificaly was aasked what I would do, and so, I gave my ansa :)


and as you yourself have stated, and opinion is just that, subjective and personal.

now, having established that, I`ll take my leave from this thread as originaly intended. poster #1 has MY perspective on this issue, and I was only originaly replying to him.

so if you`ll all kindly leave me out of this then we can get some OTHER opinions on poster #1s question :)

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take it to PM then sayo or email, there`s too many threads of late gone WAY of topic by side issues brought about by contentiousness/semantics, I don`t wish this to join those ranks any furter, it`s not good for SFN or the folks that want an answer to things :)


go PM or email dude, I`ll chat all day long if ya like :)

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not another word. PM or email, or I`ll block this url.

lets give some other folk a chance to catch up and have a say, this is NOT between you and I, he posted for a reason. if ya want YOU and I, then read above, else I`m outa here :)



but before I go: http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=894


point #6 :)


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Bit hostile aren't we? What does "block this URL" mean exactly?


I'm not saying you don't have a right to privacy; I'm just saying that if you post an on-topic response to a thread in a public forum - and plainly state yourself that the view is right wing - you have to expect a bit of interrogation.

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YT2095 said in post # :


I stated what I`de do, and in response to an equaly insulting post.

and if you rem, I did state that I will leave this chat as to not get into any trouble.

I NEVER ONCE said they should kill themselves? I`m sure noone else did either, I as in ME specificaly was aasked what I would do, and so, I gave my ansa :)


and as you yourself have stated, and opinion is just that, subjective and personal.

now, having established that, I`ll take my leave from this thread as originaly intended. poster #1 has MY perspective on this issue, and I was only originaly replying to him.

so if you`ll all kindly leave me out of this then we can get some OTHER opinions on poster #1s question :)


You responded to what you presumed to be a personal insult by insulting all people of one persuasion? On what level did you presume that was a legitimate act? Because they are 'gays' they don't have feeling to be considered?


If you remember, or care to read back, I did ask that the opinion was not explored. It's a bit to far gone now to presume to say it's our fault we got to look so deep into your homophobia. We gave every option to you before this became an 'issue'.


As for insinuating a homosexual should commit suicide, I think it’s quite clear that the message you put forward was if you were gay you would kill yourself. So was the logical conclusion from that? You see it as a valid life choice? A smiley face isn't going to avoid that particular logical path.


Coming on to taking your leave of this thread, well you've said that twice. Then you threatened to block my URL? I’m trying not to insult you here, as per the rules of the forum, but I don’t think you really avoid the discussion by threatening people. I suggest you calm down a bit before you try and block 8 site members and one admin from the site. I don’t think the response will be ‘hurrah for YT’ if you pursue that idea.


Ban me if you like, if you feel your homophobia is justified.

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please don`t be little idots, block the URL means simply that, it`s the equiv of ignore user, it just means the url`s on ignore before we all start getting paranoid and our little panties in a twist!

it`ll work local to me only Duuuuh! *sheesh*!


get a grip YO!

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a Debates forum :) goody, is everyone allowed here btw, i`ve not noticed it before? when was it created? and id it a forum of Debate for the masses?

I gather this has been split from the original thread?


Answers on a postcard please :)

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