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being a little bored this morning, I decided to electrolyse some Ammonium Sulphate just to see if I could make Ammonium Persulphate, then an idea struck me, ammonium persuphate dissolves copper.

so, if one were to have a huge vat of this and an elecrtrode at either end with a current passing through, one could throw in loads of scrap copper any shape into it, and reclaim the pure thing at one of the electrodes, it could carry on nearly forever.

unlike using the scrap AS an electrode and doing it with say Copper Sulphate soln, where you`de be stuck if your scrap was little copper stampings or unviable shapes AND you`de have to change 2 electrodes! this avoids all that, the only electrode you need take out is the one with your pure copper that you want :)


any thoughts?

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