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Rant against ??? (Split from Graviton Thread)


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from my persepective - 'gravitons' are irrelevant and will not be found - people seek after such a phenomena because current understanding is in err concerning this force.


i'd love to share more with you, but as i have already stated at another forum (and had my post deleted because i did), i have neither the qualifications, nor the self-glorifying outlook that would enable me to gain anything in return for sharing what i know with you.......


... as this is the case i can see that in the very near future 'you' will have an important decision to make, which is namely - is it more important to glorify & reward your ownselves, when it is at the cost of the advancement of whole human race?




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Feel free to listen to a people that haven’t even realised that gravity is repulsive as well as attractive……. You know the more stubborn you are, and the higher you place yourselves in that ivory tower of yours, the greater your fall is going to be.




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Feel free to listen to a people that haven’t even realised that gravity is repulsive as well as attractive……. You know the more stubborn you are, and the higher you place yourselves in that ivory tower of yours, the greater your fall is going to be.


If you're going to make statements like that you're going to need some empirical evidence.

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"If you're going to make statements like that you're going to need some empirical evidence."


indeed i do posses empirical evidence, but as i have already stated there is nothing in it for me if i were to tell you what that evidence is.......

Since gravity affects mass in large quantities, it seem natural that it should affect mass in smaller quantities to a proportionally lesser extent... I can imagine that all arguments for the gravitational field to be quantized indeed relate back to all the other interaction-carrying fields also being quantized, but that already seems like a good reason to investigate that possibility (relating different effects back to common mechanisms and stuff).


... and yes of course, your strain of logic is the very thing that leads to 'you' overlooking the answer(s), while also been the very thing that feeds your state of pride!


is gravity an interaction-carrying field? or are you just guessing? no sorry, don't bother answering that, the scope of your logic will only mislead you!


anyway seen as though you have all the answers there is nothing for me to do here, goodbye!





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"If you're going to make statements like that you're going to need some empirical evidence."


indeed i do posses empirical evidence, but as i have already stated there is nothing in it for me if i were to tell you what that evidence is.......


Then why bother posting in the first place? Surely you know that if you post things which are against the current theories you are going to be asked for empirical evidence? If you do not produce this whether it be here or in a repitable peer reviewed journal you will be pretty much ignored?

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of course your comment is just... but you have neglected to address the reason why i am unwilling to share.


i tell you what, why don't i go sweat my heart out in building a house for you, and after i've finished, i won't ask a single thing of you, rather i'll just hand over the keys....... here you are have my lifes work for nothing, and no i'm not bothered that all i posses are the clothes on my back, i actually want to live like a tramp, while you glorify and reward yourself!!!


errrm right, yeah, sure...


ok, you worship your logic, i am going to make sure i expose everything about you... how some nobody with no resources, nor formal qualifications, can solve problems that you are unable to, merely by observing his immediate surroundings!




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i guess the comparison is you worship the golden calf just like the transgressors in Moses' time.......


... what i mean by this is that you ask for help/knowledge from inanimate objects, like when you bash matter together to gain understanding, whereas i choose to seek knowledge via logical trains of thought, to put it simply.


which all equates to you possessing data, but lacking the understanding to interpret that data... whereas the empircal evidence/understanding i procalim to posses, is so apparent that when you learn of it, you will not even need to confirm it in a lab.



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"and to think I was going to share half of my Dairylea Triangle with you for this "Evidence" well you can forget it now! :P"


like i said (by the very nature of your oppressive freemasonry) you have made sure there is nothing in it for me financially, so what is left but to expose you as the basic people you are.




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of course your comment is just... but you have neglected to address the reason why i am unwilling to share.

I couldn't care less what your reasons are.


Look, it's very simple: Don't make claims you can't or won't back up.

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of course your comment is just... but you have neglected to address the reason why i am unwilling to share.


i tell you what, why don't i go sweat my heart out in building a house for you, and after i've finished, i won't ask a single thing of you, rather i'll just hand over the keys....... here you are have my lifes work for nothing, and no i'm not bothered that all i posses are the clothes on my back, i actually want to live like a tramp, while you glorify and reward yourself!!!


errrm right, yeah, sure...


ok, you worship your logic, i am going to make sure i expose everything about you... how some nobody with no resources, nor formal qualifications, can solve problems that you are unable to, merely by observing his immediate surroundings!






Go get published in a reputable peer reviewed journal if you want the credit/patents.

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"Look, it's very simple: Don't make claims you can't or won't back up"


i think you might be in trouble with string theory then, how much time and money have you invested therein again? hey, maybe you'd be better of spending millions searching for neutrinos down in mines.......


if you'd understood what they actually are you'd realise that your search is futile, but then what do i know, right? your logic is just so perfect!




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i suppose this is considered a rant merely because it is in disagreement with you....... well i might as well present you with a real rant!


... to be honest with you i do not wish to support a people whom in order to control its citizens purposefully keeps them in the dark, a people whom wish to remove morality from society so that their own immorality goes by without notice, a people whom are so far up their own backsides they have took it upon their-selves to forcefully export their 'perfection' to all four corners of the earth!





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and by the way ATHEIST you cannot be a scientist & an atheist at the same time, atheism is a belief that has not been realised either way by scientific paradigms, so what is it that makes you better than any other religious believer?




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i suppose this is considered a rant merely because it is in disagreement with you....... well i might as well present you with a real rant!


... to be honest with you i do not wish to support a people whom in order to control its citizens purposefully keeps them in the dark, a people whom wish to remove morality from society so that their own immorality goes by without notice, a people whom are so far up their own backsides they have took it upon their-selves to forcefully export their 'perfection' to all four corners of the earth!






I just LOVE the irony here... It's amazing.


Ether, are you aware that neutrinos have been detected? In quite large quantities?


Anyway you said you where leaving, now it seems you are just trolling :(

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by that argument, I can assume you Are Religious, and so what makes Him (atheist) "Special" is that he will back up his claims with evidence.


anything Beyond doing that is a waste of Time/bandwidth, and little more than schoolyard banter/verbal diarrhoea. :rolleyes:

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i think you might be in trouble with string theory then, how much time and money have you invested therein again? hey, maybe you'd be better of spending millions searching for neutrinos down in mines.......

if you'd understood what they actually are you'd realise that your search is futile, but then what do i know, right? your logic is just so perfect!

I haven't invested any time or money in string theory. But if I had, you can be sure I'd be backing up any claims I made with something other than "I am right but I'm not telling you why".

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I do so understand your position, Ether. I was given an amazing revelation by a supreme timelord a while ago, but sworn to secrecy because the awful truth would make people cry, frighten the horses, convert to scientology or even worse. What a heavy burden we share, knowing these immutable truths but bearing them in solitude. Woe, woe, woe!


By the way, by even hinting at these truths, I fear we may have already sinned and the great one will be after us. Even more woe!

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"by that argument, I can assume you Are Religious, and so what makes Him (atheist) "Special" is that he will back up his claims with evidence.


anything Beyond doing that is a waste of Time/bandwidth, and little more than schoolyard banter/verbal diarrhoea. "


i accept the criticisms you have placed upon me, yes i was wrong to come here and make claims without backing them up with evidence, but are you willing to accept your own mistakes?


atheism is a claim, please share with me the evidence you have to back up this claim.


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I can go one better, when he comes on here he will tell you himself that he has Never once made a claim without providing evidence.

you need not take MY word for it, or indeed his, you can in fact do your homework and read his posting history yourself.


How`s Them Apples :P


oh, and in case you`re confused, "Atheist" is his Username, like yours is "ether".

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