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What would happen if you just ate crisps? (=chips in US)


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Nuts(seeds), mushrooms and fried potatoe particles are the 3 most commonly found atricles in a blocked Appendix, causing pertinitus when it eventualy ruptures, water isn`t an issue with the colon, that`s the organ that absorbs water from the ileum products, eating alot of crisps without other food groups, could easily bring about this scenario :)

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the Ileum doen`t absorb the water, the colon does, and therein lies the prob, it`s just past the last bend on the colon that the appendix is situated (lower right hand side on your front) just above the join of your leg to yer body kinda thing.

it`s basicly the last stop before yer ass, and it`s a trap for such indigestables, no amounts of water or lack of will make a diff, non of those 3 are water soluable so to speak,

and they are listed in order too :)

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Had already spotted the error and edited. Not so drunk after all :P


Fried potato is basically starch. Most of it is going to be digested anyway, and the non-fat parts are water-soluble.


Saying that you'd die from a blocked appendix if you only eat potato because a blocked appendix most commonly has potato in it is a bit of a falacy, surely?

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fried potatoe like crisps or scrag ends of chips indeed do not get entirely digest and can certainly become trapped in the appendix.

a blocked appendix can also lead to death if it ruptures (it goes septic as the food rots).


although I`m quite sure that the salt or sodium content would see you off far before this, again, no matter how much water you drank, your body would still have to assimilate and cope with those quantities, I feel confident it would protest somewhat :)

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so roughly how long do you think it would take the crisps to kill you? a month? sounds like a bad way to go to me...


EDIT: is there one single food that you could just eat and survive? it has to be a single item, not a meal, like pasta, but not spaghetti bolognaise. Or bread, but not a sandwich. Those two are probably bad choices anyway.

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I really don`t think there is in all honesty, there are some you`de live longer on than others sure, but no ONE single veg or meat type produce. it would be fair to say that meats would be out the question, and that then would leave the vegitable kingdom (you`de certainly live longer on most any of these that just a meat or fish).

I think I`de probably have to go with fresh legumes, they have protein, carbs, vits (incl C), most of the B complex vits and fibre.

though you`de probably die of boredom 1`st eating them for months :)

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Tennents isnt the chemical rubbish people make it out to be. Granted were not talking ambrosia here, but tennents isnt at all bad.


Not that I condone excessive consumption of alcohol. Scots are famed for their moderation in drinking dont you know.

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