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cool x-ray tech (AS&E backscatter)


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No idea where this should go, but i thought it was quite cool (sorry if this is well-known to phisisists):





afaict, it assays materials' ability to scatter x-rays and so measures stuff with low molecular weight (people, drugs, explosives etc) which apparently are more inclined to scatter x-rays, whereas normal x-ray scanners (like you'd find in a hospital) i think measure things based on their x-ray-adsorption, and so measure stuff with a higher molecular weight. or something.


apart from thinking that this is interesting/cool/like sci-fi x-ray specs, i have a question: if the backscatter thingy detects matter with 'low atomic weight, such as stuff made from carbon, hydrogen, etc', then why isn't it detecting the petrol in the vehicles tanks?


DISCLAIMER: I suck at phisics, so if anyone's reading this who isn't very good at phisics themselves, don't take anything i said above as accurate.

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