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Hi everybody, I'm well into my relativity revision, and was just going through deriving the relativistic "velocity addition" forumula, but came across an algebraic stumbling block along the way. Basically, you could say I need to get the identity:




Any ideas? Help on this would be greatly appreciated.


I haven't worked it through (doing quantum statistical mechanics revision here) but...




Try working that through, hopefully everything will cancel nicely ;)

I haven't worked it through (doing quantum statistical mechanics revision here) but...




Try working that through, hopefully everything will cancel nicely ;)


Just from inspection I'm not sure if that'll work. lets have a go:


Ok from trying that I get something like this:


I'm starting to doubt whether my initial equation was correct. In any case I'll just display the overall equation and what I need to get.

Ok, starting from:


Where: [math]\gamma=\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-\beta^2)}}[/math] and [math]\beta=\frac{v}{c}[/math]

I need to get:


Thanks for the help anyway:-)


I think Klay meant something like


c & = & 1+ab-\sqrt{(1-a^2)(1-b^2)} \\

\sqrt{(1-a^2)(1-b^2)} & = & 1 + ab - c \\

(1-a^2)(1-b^2) & = & (1+ab-c)^2 \\


Which to be honest I can't see how it cancels down, I guess you might want to double check your original equation.


I Just worked it through from the original equation and I get:




So I'd say rework out your original equation.

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