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States mulling death penalty for child rapists


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Was scouring through the news this morning and ran across this...




Personally, I'm against the death penalty in any crime, no matter how heinous. But, for the reasons people are put to death presently, I don't think this is too much of a stretch. A raped child, especially, is essentially dead when you consider who they are afterward compared to who they were.


What do you all think?

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What I think is that if we're going to have a death penalty, then it should be applied consistently and justly, according to the law.


But I disagree with enacting new death penalty legislation to cover additional crimes, no matter how heinous. It's a wrong law, and though it IS the law (and thus should be applied consistently), it would be wrong to expand it. Ultimately it should be removed.


That statement in the article about the reason why there was no re-trial was weak in the extreme, by the way. Somebody was feeding an excuse to a reporter.

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with the advent of 24 hour news, the Internet and the flow of information, i have become increasingly distrustful of our judicial system. from the 9th circuit decisions, to setting free obvious murderer's (OJ) to the prosecutions of Duke La Cross Students and on down the line to the 50 or so set free after years of imprisonment and DNA evidence.


i then understand what i would feel if some one put my daughter threw what some of these kids must endure and wonder whats the use. with that 50 % change the crimes will continue on to another and unless they are dead or in prison the changes are some kid will end up dead. i don't know for sure what the perfect catch 22 may be, but its seems close to this issue.


first, i am not sure 99% of the so called sex offenders are indeed sex offenders. if any of those 20 or so recent lady teachers had made a move on me while i was in school, the offender could well have been me. we would have called that something good and bragged for years. then there are many who come from places where a sex offense is nothing like what it means in the US. then you have the accusing wife or husband during a heated divorce where the custody depends on some form of abuse. i won't bother you with the 19 year old getting caught on knob hill with a 17 year old girl, or the seduced male, saying the wrong thing at the wrong time at getting hung out to dry by a vindictive female or now days even other male.


as some one said if the laws for capital punishments are violated, then follow those laws.

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