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could you please check and help me with my politics H.W


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Hello. I'd really appreciate if you give me a hand with my politics h.w


my h.w consists of 10 questions of multiple choice, i already answered 8 questions but I'm not 100% sure if they are right, and also haven't been able to answer two questions, here they are.


1. When did civil rights become part of the Constitution?

a. in the 1954 Brown v Board of Education case

b. in 1789 when it was founded

c. with the adoption of the 19th Amendment

d. with the adoption of the 14th amendment


2. According to the ruling in Atkins v Virginia,

a. executing the mentally retarded is cruel punishment under the 8th Amendment

b. evolution must be taught in the classroom if creationism is taught in the classroom in public schools

c. the S.L.A.P.S. tests, which defined obscenity was established

d. indigent criminal defendants must be provided an attorney by the state



3. The process by which some of the liberties in the Bill of Rights were applied to the

states (or nationalized) is known as

a. judicial activism

b. establishment

c. civil liberties

d. selective incorporation



4. The Supreme Court will only hear cases if certiorari is granted; this requires all of the following


a. The rule of four must apply

b. A significant constitutional or federal question must be present

c. The death penalty must be involved

d. The case must be justiciable



5. Ensuring that firefighters are able to carry up to 75 lbs in order to qualify for the job could wind up disqualifying

some people for the job. In reviewing this 'rule' what test would the court apply?

a. ratio test

b. rational basis test

c. common sense test

d. strict scrutiny test


6. Judicial review established the authority of the Supreme Court

a. to expand their original powers granted them in Article III

b. to make law under Article III and VI of the US Constitution

c. to undermine the authority of Congress

d. to determine whether law is in harmony with the US Constitution, according to both Article III,

and Article VI



7. Until the 14th Amendment was ratified, the concept that the US Constitution and the privileges

afforded in the Amendments applied to the relationship between a citizen and their respective

states was not accepted. This philosophy reflects the concept of dual citizenship, established in

a. Barron v Baltimore

b. Falwell v Flynt

c. Marbury v Madison

d. McCulloughv Maryland



8. The protection afforded speech was extended to the concept of symbolic speech as established in

a. Tinker v Des Moines

b. Wallace v Jaffree

c. Barnes v Glen Theatre

d. Texas v Johnson


9. In what way does the struggle for gender equality most resemble the struggle for racial equality?

a. Changes in government policies, to a great degree, were produced through political action

b. No legislation has passed adopting the aims of the movement

c. The Supreme Court has not ruled on the issue

d. There has been very little political action in realizing the goal.


10. Many people mistakenly argue that prayer is not allowed in school. The Supreme Court, in ________________ established

prayer IS allowed, provided it was not written, sponsored or coerced by administration or faculty.

a. Abington v Schemp

b. Engle v Vitale

c. Lemon v Kurtzman

d. Falwell v Flynt



my answers are those letters in bold, questions 5 and 6 haven't been able to figure out their answer.

thank you.

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Hmm, I wonder if we need a Homework Help subforum for Politics!


I don't know why you didn't just plug these terms into the Wikipedia and read the results there. Without looking them up myself, the answers look general correct. 5 looks like "C" to me. 6 looks like "D". But you should get other input.

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1. When did civil rights become part of the Constitution?

a. in the 1954 Brown v Board of Education case

b. in 1789 when it was founded

c. with the adoption of the 19th Amendment

d. with the adoption of the 14th amendment


i guess it depends on what you mean by 'civil rights'. i'd say b, BUT they weren't (and still aren't) fully implimented for everyone. so, civil rights were part of the constitution from inception, and the other cases mentioned have been part of a slow march towards making those civil rights universal.


one thing, tho: if you take 'when did civil rights become part of the constitution' as 'when did universal civil blah blah', then you probably want to bear in mind that, till the 19th ammendment, women didn't have sufferage and thus weren't democratically represented. in a democracy, sufferage is generally considered a human right.


either way, i'd say d is wrong.

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