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I hate Joe Scarborough


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As far as conservatives who liberal moonbats such as me can like go, you think Scarborough would rank right up there. He thinks Bush is an idiot and that the Iraq War is a giant farce.


Awesome. That's almost enough to make me forgive him for his first criminal case during his lawyering years being defending a psychopathic evangelical who murdered an OBGYN because he performed abortions.


But uhh, yeah...




So yeah, Mika Brzezinski is something of a moonbat herself. She's the daughter of Carter's NSA director after all, and Carter is clearly representative of everything wrong with Democratic politics, whatever.


Something wonderful happened on that program. After the repetitive goading of Scarborough, she swore off the lead story as hand picked by her producer. That story was Paris Hilton. She was upset: That isn't news. It shouldn't be news. It certainly shouldn't be the lead story.


In many ways that story, and it leading a news program, is indicative of the cracked out pop culture sludge IV which so many Americans have jacked themselves into.


Mika Brzezinski took a stand. She threw out the Paris story. Hell, she tried to BURN it. Then she crumpled it up, ripped it, and eventually stuck it in the paper shredder.


A bemused Scarborough, having seen his comments elicit an unexpected display, just continues to goad her. PARIS! PARIS! ROLL THE PARIS VIDEO!

Mika says no, but the crew runs it anyway.


What the f*ck


I really feel sorry for Mika. Scarborough either has no respect for the news or what Mika was trying to do, or he's just an enormous raging dick who didn't know what to do when his snide remarks got an unexpected rise in the right direction. Either way, that was horrible. When someone tries to take back the news from the likes of Paris Hilton, that's admirable. Even if they're a little bit CRAZY about it.


Scarborough belittled her entire point. She didn't succeed in keeping Paris off the news, because Scarborough got her crew to roll a clip. Paris happy visage still transmitted across the world as part of the program. She stood up for the news, and the news lost. Joe Scarborough stood up for the bullsh*t.


So yeah, I hate Joe Scarborough

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Just stop watching TV imo. It'll only get you riled* up. Besides, anything worth noting will be available on the internet, where you won't have annoying people spouting crap you don't care about for 30 minutes before they get to something important.

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That was...weird. It felt awkward. I can't stand scarborough, personally, but it almost seemed more like him and that other idiot were giving her a hard time more than they were interested in sticking with the Paris story. And I can hear scarborough thinking to himself "I don't care what you think is newsworthy, our job is to anchor and do as we're told".


Conservatives aren't exactly the rebellious type, at least not towards their source of income. Nice to see Mika do that, it was really cool.


I don't know. Not that big of a deal really... Most of the conservative types on Fox news seem to embody everything I can stand about them.

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What is a "moonbat"?


From Wiki:


Moonbat (also "barking moonbat" and "moonbat crazy") is a term often used currently in U.S. politics as a political epithet referring to extremists, most often of the political left.[1] "Wingnut" (or "right wing nut") is frequently preferred as the analogous epithet aimed at extremists on the political right.[1]



Actually, I thought it was an old fashioned term like my Grandfather would use. I didn't realize how relevant it still is...


So, is an extremist libertarian a moonnut or wingbat?

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Actually, I thought it was an old fashioned term like my Grandfather would use. I didn't realize how relevant it still is...


I was hoping it was a bat from the moon. That would certainly have made this thread a lot more exciting!

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I'm no fan of Joe Scarborough but what's wrong with believing Bush to be an idiot, or that the war in Iraq is for the most part senseless?


Those are reasons why I, as a liberaltarian wingbat/moonnut, can appreciate him.

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What is a "moonnut"?


I could be wrong, but I think it's in reference to my post #6.


We may be on to something here...


A moonnut could be a liberaltarian, since the prefix "moon" was associated with the left wing, whereas a wingbat would be a libertarian since the prefix "wing" was associated with the right.


That would make bascule a moonnut and I would be a wingbat.

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That's almost enough to make me forgive him for his first criminal case during his lawyering years being defending a psychopathic evangelical who murdered an OBGYN because he performed abortions.


Why is it that when liberals defend axe murders they're "standing up for constitutional rights", but when conservatives defend axe murderers they're just ambulance-chasing opportunists?

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