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The Everything ('cept "Final" ) Theory


Was Einstein right or wrong in saying: "If you can't explain it to your grandmother, you don't understand it"? "No space empty of field".


'Wavicles' = gravy over potatos or potatos under gravy: the ambivalence of particle and wave theory.


The non-mathematical translation and reinstatement of Einstein's presently abandoned Unified Field Theory (The math is already done).


The gravitational effects of the expansion of 4-D physical matter

with 5 & 6-D ('functional' / 'Metric') space.


Einstein's so called 'biggest blunder' was right after all.


Mr. Mark McCutcheon's gravitational party is 47 years tardy.


Electromagnetic resolution of quantum mechanics & field theory.

Atonement of continuity with discontinuity.


Two universal forces instead of four.


Cause of time dilation, negative inertia and black holes. The original Extraterrestrial Physics 101. Return of the orphaned Steady State theory.


The undoing of New Age era Einstein, Newton, gravity & gradeschool bashers - http://www.allworldknowledge.com/newton/




Constructive criticism, commentary and contributions encouraged and accredited.





Best regards,


- Kaiduorkhon


(Kudos to SFN and its veracious administrators.)

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