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The bumbling answer of the incompetent


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Here in the Real World, I have to deal with things like schedules, time estimates, deadlines, and taking the heat for when I miss them.


It would be unacceptable for me to give some excuse like "I don't know how long it will take, I just need more time"


Condi did just that yesterday, asking for more time before the House takes any action, in response to them passing a withdrawal schedule:




Is the Administration's inability to set deadlines and stick to them indicative of incompetence?


Is their inability to even give a time estimate indicative of their complete inability to estimate the scope of the tasks they undertake, or are they just afraid of giving a realistic answer?

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Here in the Real World, I have to deal with things like schedules, time estimates, deadlines, and taking the heat for when I miss them.


It would be unacceptable for me to give some excuse like "I don't know how long it will take, I just need more time"


Condi did just that yesterday, asking for more time before the House takes any action, in response to them passing a withdrawal schedule:




Is the Administration's inability to set deadlines and stick to them indicative of incompetence?


Is their inability to even give a time estimate indicative of their complete inability to estimate the scope of the tasks they undertake, or are they just afraid of giving a realistic answer?


Perhaps you can give an example from another military conflict where schedules, time estimates, and deadlines were set and met?


How many times were we told that we would be out of Kosovo, Korea, ... Such is the nature of military conflicts. That is why you need to be careful before you start or join one.


Christmas seems like a favorite time to say that the troops will be home. Why not just say Christmas but neglect to say which year. It's worked in the past many times.

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Here in the Real World, I have to deal with things like schedules, time estimates, deadlines, and taking the heat for when I miss them.


It would be unacceptable for me to give some excuse like "I don't know how long it will take, I just need more time"


Condi did just that yesterday, asking for more time before the House takes any action, in response to them passing a withdrawal schedule:




Is the Administration's inability to set deadlines and stick to them indicative of incompetence?


Is their inability to even give a time estimate indicative of their complete inability to estimate the scope of the tasks they undertake, or are they just afraid of giving a realistic answer?


I wouldn't trust anyone that gave me a deadline with something as dynamic and precarious as military conflict and occupation. That's what a greasy, lying, pandering, car salesman politician would do - make believe he "knows" when all this will end. I'm far more concerned with being realistic. Sometimes that means you really don't know, not because you're incompetent, but because of the nature of the issue.


Like weather forecasting...I can't say "there's a 30% chance I'll get this project completed on time, sir" to my boss either...

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