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Negative Mass


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the hypothetical exotic matter that has been proposed as a means to construct wormholes is said to possess "negative mass". How would a 3-D mind that is so used to positive mass digest such a concept in a tangible way? Does it mean it has "normal" mass (i.e. has volume and consists of particles), only wat makes it unique is different properties concerning the way such mass interacts with the rest of the universe? Or does negative mass mean something even more radical: namely while positive mass has substance, and zero mass is nothing, negative mass is basically less than zero, or in other words, the universe sucked in on itself at point XYZ where the negative mass material lies? somebody throw me a bone here :confused:

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for negative mass to be a thing i would guess that it would need to be warping space-time the opposite way that regular mass does. regular mass warps space-time towards it in kind of a pit. anti-mass would i guess need to repulse all matter. so if regular mass did to space time what a bowling ball would to a trampoline but 3d, anti mass would need to act like a bowling ball pushing up from underneath the trampoline. the problem with this is that in practice that would mean that the anti mass would exist inside a space-time bubble filled with nothingness. and nothing can't exist because if it did it would be something. even if somehow miraculously nothingness could exist there would be no time there and no distances there because it is nothing so how could you possible make a bubble of nothing? maybe negative mass is meant to be something different but if it is they should give it a different a name.

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How would a 3-D mind that is so used to positive mass digest such a concept in a tangible way?


think of mass as You know it and all it`s properties.

then you simply invert/reverse each and every one of these aspects.


(and try not to confuse it with Anti-matter, that`s something entirely different again)

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The basic difference between negative and positive mass is how it is affected by forces such as gravity. Something with negative mass is predicted to fall upward rather than downward. And also, some people also think hat if someone with positive mass were to push someone with negative mass, the negative mass person would fall towards the positive mass person rather than away.

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