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Guest pollock

Dear members of this Forum,


Some time ago I discovered the so called 'Forbidden Letters' to Philip Gardiner. They deal with alchemy. If one studies the Letters, one learns that alchemy was not about changing he chemical lead (Pb) into the chemical gold (Au), but that it is all about the 'lead' and 'gold' of our soul.


The Letters are a fast and quite cryptic (especially Letters 1-2) exchange of esoteric knowledge. But let this not discourage you.




Alchemy seems to work as follows: our body has to be consumed and recomposed in a fire India calls Kundalini, and modern alchemists call sub-atomic. [Phoenix-metaphor!]


After that the body is prepared in some way for phase 2 of alchemy: the night of he Soul (nigredo). The lion (our animal-nature) is released in that phase. And the energy (libido, naturally) it represents is used to build up the so called Lightbody in the gross body.


If that lightbody is strong enough it is supposed to take over the body of flesh and produce physical immortality.


That is the core business of Alchemy. And because physical immortality is involved, alchemy is an 'End Time Phenomenon'.


Now, this seems all to fantastic to be true. But after having studied the Letters and the response articles on them (in the left column) I've become a believer.


It is demonstrated once and for all in those articles that the Secrets of the Kingdom of God are about alchemy.


But there is so much to read on that site, that I would advise you to first read:


a) The Forbidden Letters, part 1.

b) The Forbidden Letters, part 2.

c) The de la Censerie-article (a sensation!): [ http://www.world-mysteries.com/PhilipGardiner/forbidden_letters_16.htm ]

d) The Rice-quote-list.

e) The RFC-article.


The Christ many of us are expecting seems to be a microcosmic stone (The Stone of (alchemical transformation). It pops up again and again in literature.


It is described in 1 Peters 2:4 as the living stone.


It is also described in the Grail-story by Wolfram von Eschenbach. It ignites the Kundalini Fire.


"By the power of that Stone the Phoenix burns to ashes (you and I in Kundalini), but the ashes restore him to life again)."


Hence 'He who is near me, is near the fire, and he who is far from me, is far from the Kingdom (the inner lightbody).'(Jesus in Thomas).







Kundalini on itself seems not 'the whole thing'. This is a quote summarizing the Forbidden Letters and it's details on the core of alchemy:


"Reading the Forbidden Letters, all of a sudden the mystery seems solved why

Kundalini-awakenings in the past didn't lead to physical lightbodies and

physical immortality. And why, in teachings on alchemy, that lightbody was

gradually turned into an after-death-body and physical immortality into

soul-immortality or a prolonged life. (Only certain Tamil schools still

stick to their teachings on physical immortality.) - Because a

Kundalini-awakening is not yet the Work of the Sun. You apparently need the

whole thing. To produce that stone, to be decapitated, to have that wheel

raised in the head and to descend into the earth. All the things described

in the Great Work of Alchemy apparently have to happen to you.(...) The

Kundalini-awakening will be a vital part of the Great Work, but on itself

without a doubt only a sub-atomic phenomenon, although a potentially

extremely dangerous one."[Forum]

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