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I first noticed this effect in my eyes while lying in the sun.


With my eyes closed of course the eyelids appear bright red and all sorts of unfocused colour blobs seem to float about as the eyes recover from looking at brightly lit objects before closing. It's not these lights I mean.


It was after five to ten minutes and letting myself relax, I began to notice something like an array of lights descending across the inside of my eyelids. The effect lasted approx 2 seconds. I only took notice of it because it repeated regularly. It pulsed every six seconds for two seconds. I have been able to notice the same effect at repeated times and even managed to experience it at night. I have never read about such a biological rhythm before and I have tried to explain this phenomenon to my optician and to several scientists working on the eye but none of them has shown any interest.


I don’t know what is happening but it feels as though I am somehow able to “see” the back of my eye and I feel that I am experiencing a retinal “recharging”. I think that perhaps because there is no knew information coming into the eye, and the eye has adapted to the single red colour of the eyelid the brain sends a pulse to check on the activities of the cells. The regularity of it is surprising and I checked that it does not match with my pulse or breathing rhythms.

The array of lights, in a honeycomb pattern, seem to descend across my eyelids but may be across the retina.


I have tried to get others to see the effect but they have been fairly sceptical and have not succeeded!


However I would dearly like to know where the six second pulse comes from. Can you help?


Please try to see if you can experience this effect. and let me know.


I think you are talking about 'floaters'...





Btw, you can see the back of your eye as well... but usually only happens if a lot of light is going into the eye... for example, I saw the image of my retina when I was at the optician and she shown a ophthalmosope to see my retina...


this is what the back of the eye looks like:




you see the image... the yellow circle to the right is the fovea or the "blind spot"... it is where the optic nerve and the arterial blood vessels travel through... the spider like things that radiate from the fovea are retinal arteries that supply the retina with blood... it is these that you can see sometimes...


No they are not floaters. It takes several minutes before they appear, and they stay in a honeycomb formation close together. It is the rhythm of two seconds on followed by a 6 second off that makes them unusual.

Thank you for your interest.

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