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i wouldn't drop it onto people below you. it has the unpleasant side effect of displacing the oxygen. unless its an open space, they'd suffocate. it'll be sold somewhere. doubt you'll get it in your average practical joke shop though.


I would imagine it can only be bought online, and probably bought compressed.


Wouldn't you need a whole tanker of the stuff to suffocate someone? There is so much air everywhere and only as much of this as I can sensibly carry, its also going to disperse very quickly and not be to obvious. Also bizarre levitating property, is it the heaviest non-harmful (except harm by displacing oxygen) gas? Could be weird to fill a large space with it but only up to a low level and float the boats across the room to each other at knee hight. The room would have to have very consistent walls\floors though, like an empty swimming pool.


grr, it's illusive. I'm going to have to look really hard to find it.




So far im thinking


1. Take a wiff every now and again to have fun with voice.

2. Fill a space up (could be hard to find an airtight one, may have to be something small like a bath, if its something big make sure its not very full (as in the surface goes up too high)) and build boats to float around on it.

3. Drop on people (in responsible manner taking into account soundings) as a practice joke.


This would be because they cant dissipate upwards but have to flow (as water does) around until they dissipate. As opposed to other grasses that can go in all directions or go upwards and therefore out of the way very quickly. Helium is bad for your vocal cords (much more than most people think), is this the same or is it (other than the displacement of oxygen) completely safe, I guess it is as that experiment probably wouldn't have been done with helium in case anything went wrong.


yeah. pretty much.


its okay to do it for a breath or two but if it drops the percentage of O2 just enough over long enough(which is likely with your scenario) then, they could pass out. and if the pass out they'll fall to the floor and if the fall to the floor they'll be even more screwed.


hmm, the voice of sensablity, probably best not to let people (including myself) into the container its in at it's own level. Could still do some kickass but less hands on demonstrations, like boats in a lake of the stuff at a lower lvl, just have to stay outside of it and push stuff from the edge, slightly less entertaining, a bit like floating boats on a pond for people who cant swim. Could still do the can one, the persons voice did sound very odd.


Would have to hold people upside-down to get it out of them :¬| how come that wasn't an issue with the people on the demo, you would expect it to fall to the bottom of there lungs?


well, the lungs will agitate it enough so it will eventually dissipate in a few breaths. you can still be a bit breathless if doing a strenuous activity even a few hours later though. hand stands get rid of it quicker.

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