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What if you simply examine reality as a case of ABSOLUTE motion within an ABSOLUTE 4 dimensional frame. In other words, Time is to be regarded as being a dimension of which we can cross, and it is just part of the complete 4 dimensional Space-Time environment in which all events take place. :doh:


Funny enough, if you see Time in this way, the outcome of the examination of such a structure, predicts changes that if converted into mathematical equations, become identical to equations known as....


1) The Lorentz-Fitzgerald Contraction equation.

2) The Time Dilation equation.

3) The Lorentz Transformation equations.

4) The Velocity Addition equation.


One may direct this ABSOLUTE motion across the dimension of time, or across a dimension of space, or across both.


There is a description of this constant ABSOLUTE motion here .. http://www.outersecrets.com/real/forum_againstum2.htm


And so TIME exists just as Space exists, and we can move across it.

What if you simply examine reality as a case of ABSOLUTE motion within an ABSOLUTE 4 dimensional frame. In other words, Time is to be regarded as being a dimension of which we can cross, and it is just part of the complete 4 dimensional Space-Time environment in which all events take place. :doh:


Funny enough, if you see Time in this way, the outcome of the examination of such a structure, predicts changes that if converted into mathematical equations, become identical to equations known as....


1) The Lorentz-Fitzgerald Contraction equation.

2) The Time Dilation equation.

3) The Lorentz Transformation equations.

4) The Velocity Addition equation.


One may direct this ABSOLUTE motion across the dimension of time, or across a dimension of space, or across both.


There is a description of this constant ABSOLUTE motion here .. http://www.outersecrets.com/real/forum_againstum2.htm


And so TIME exists just as Space exists, and we can move across it.


Absolute, eh? Perhaps you haven't heard of a feller named Al Einstein, nor Larmor or Voigt.

Absolute, eh? Perhaps you haven't heard of a feller named Al Einstein, nor Larmor or Voigt.


Yep, that's right, ABSOLUTE !


You see, to construct a system that functions as a relative system, this system must be supported by an ABSOLUTE foundation.


If this were not the case, then that means that you " BELIEVE " that effects can occur without the need of there being a cause.



Yep, that's right, ABSOLUTE !


You see, to construct a system that functions as a relative system, this system must be supported by an ABSOLUTE foundation.


If this were not the case, then that means that you " BELIEVE " that effects can occur without the need of there being a cause.




So, basically, more unicorn farts.

Are there any adults on this forum ?


I assume you are frustrated by the manner in which I called your claims nonsense. I accept that. However, I find your "relative systems" and "absolute foundations" logic rather lacking, and expect you to provide more credible citations than "outersecrets.com" to support such claims. That is all.



Are we there yet? :rolleyes:




The opening salvo of your link is, "Throw away all that you know to be true. If you approach this document with any level of knowledge, you will know it is garbage, and we don't want you to make this conclusion." I've paraphrased, but that's the gist.


Then, they give me the "photons have no time" and so can you argument. Photons are massless, we are not. Bunk claim number 1. Travel at infinite speed of course implies no passage of time... like a photon. How is this done? Great question. Does the author try to answer it? Nope. They say belief in this proven logic is flawed and that a "monkey see, monkey do" approach is what limits us.


Honestly... the first half of the article is some jibber jabber that uses big words in the wrong ways. It's slight of hand, and silly, and hence my confidence when scoffing at your posts.


These variables ranging from zero to infinity, only exist RELATIVISTICALLY, due to man not being able to look across the depth of the dimension of Time, thus taking time out of the visual observation equation. The end result leaves that which appears to be a change of the magnitude of the objects motion, when in fact it is only a change of spatial velocity alone, and not a change in the overall magnitude of the object's motion across Time- Space !


Brilliant! Do these guys have stock I can buy? This is so money baby, and you don't even know it. :rolleyes:

Yes you do !

Please do tell me how I've misinterpreted you then so we can move beyond this childish set of interactions.



Making asses of Us and MEs. :rolleyes:


Long ago there was this statement..

What if you simply examine reality as a case of ABSOLUTE motion within an ABSOLUTE 4 dimensional frame. In other words' date=' Time is to be regarded as being a dimension of which we can cross, and it is just part of the complete 4 dimensional Space-Time environment in which all events take place.


Funny enough, if you see Time in this way, the outcome of the examination of such a structure, predicts changes that if converted into mathematical equations, become identical to equations known as....


1) The Lorentz-Fitzgerald Contraction equation.

2) The Time Dilation equation.

3) The Lorentz Transformation equations.

4) The Velocity Addition equation.


One may direct this ABSOLUTE motion across the dimension of time, or across a dimension of space, or across both.


There is a description of this constant ABSOLUTE motion here .. http://www.outersecrets.com/real/forum_againstum2.htm


And so TIME exists just as Space exists, and we can move across it.[/quote']


Then you, iNow, changed the subject entirely.

Long ago there was this statement..
Absolute motion | Absolute frame | ...the outcome of the examination of such a structure, predicts changes that if converted into mathematical equations, become identical to equations known as.... | These four equations | My source is outersecrets.com.


Then you, iNow, changed the subject entirely.

Actually, I asked if you'd heard of of some scientists who did amazing work on relativity. My point was in challenge to your desire to have an absolute, or preferred, reference frame. My hope was that you'd offer us a more scientific source for your claim.



If there's an absolute frame of reference, then it's right now. Strangely, the "right now" I typed moments ago is somehow different yet encompassed within the right now I typed this time... and further, they both are encompassed within the right now you have while reading this. This is a proposal... a hypothesis I have been formulating for a few years... not absolute. :rolleyes:


ABSOLUTE # 1 ) An open 4 dimensional Space-Time reality, in which we move around within, exists.


ABSOLUTE # 2 ) All movement of objects, that occurs within these 4 dimensions, is fixated at a specific magnitude of motion.


With this in mind, the outcome of the examination of such a structure, predicts changes that if converted into mathematical equations, become identical to equations known as....


1) The Lorentz-Fitzgerald Contraction equation.

2) The Time Dilation equation.

3) The Lorentz Transformation equations.

4) The Velocity Addition equation.


... thus revealing the foundation of what is referred to as " Special Relativity ".


By looking at all 4 dimensions of reality, it becomes crystal clear that the spatial contraction of a object is simply due to the rotation of the object within a 4 dimensional reality, which occurs as one changes ones direction of travel across the open dimensions of Space-Time.


A description of this constant ABSOLUTE motion that is present within the ABSOLUTE Space-Time environment, can be seen here .. http://www.outersecrets.com/real/forum_againstum2.htm


Surely, someone other than myself can understand it ! :doh:


LOOK into my EYES !

You are feeling sleepy !

ABSOLUTE motion is REAL !


ABSOLUTE motion is REAL !


Discuss it here.


Exactly !

Discuss " IT " !


So, when you have had a look at " IT ", then do let me know, otherwise the entire " IT " has to be posted here before a discussion about " IT " can even begin.

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