CosmicVoyage Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 Most astronomers believe that large quantities of some unidentified material pervade the universe called dark matter. Galaxy clusters move about but do not escape due to gravitational pull. The laws of physics tell us how much mass needs to be present to counterbalance the motions, their by preventing the dispersal of the system. The mass of the amount of the universe actually observed falls far short of that. Mass discrepancy appears in practically all systems, from dwarf galaxies through normal galaxies and galaxy groups on to the vast super clusters. Dark matter is expanding faster and faster inside this bubble which contains our visible universe. Out side of our visible universe the dark matter is moving much faster. Universes as well as galaxies are formed in very dense pockets of dark matter, in these dense pockets the dark matter is not expanding as quickly. Outside of these pockets the dark matter is not so dense and therefore expanding much faster. Like an air bubble in an expanding piece of bread. I believe there are many pockets such as this through out our multiverse containing parallel universes, it is very difficult to fathom the vast distances between them and no known way to see past our observable universe and into a parallel universe. Large numbers of these parallel universes make clusters of universes which form a bubble of parallel universes. Outside of these bubbles there is an ocean of darkness, but more of these bubbles exist, like small islands in a vast ocean of dark matter. Any moment that can possibly have occurred has occurred somewhere in our multiverse, for example in one of the many parallel universes the asteroid that whipped out the dinosaurs 65 million years was set off course by a collision with another asteroid. Our common ancestor, the rodent would have continued to be hunted by dinosaurs who fed on small mammals (such as Troodons) our species would not have been able to evolve as far as we have. Think of how far mammals have progressed, from creeping around in trees to sending probes to Jupiter, imagine if dinosaurs had that much time to evolve. The Troodon was a dinosaur that hunted rodents and had the intelligence about that of an opossum, after 65 million years of evolution there would be civilizations of lizard men with the common ancestor of the Troodon. Anything that can happen has happened somewhere in the Multiverse. From our view it may seem that the idea of parallel universes is preposterous, but think of it this way. The frog in the pond can only see his pond and the trees around it, his perspective of the universe is much smaller then that of the bird flying over the valley. The bird can see the small pond and the trees around it, but he can also see the mountains a bit further in the distance and can see the land beyond those mountains. The bird can experience the entire scenery and understands the beauty of the system while the frog experiences only one part of the vast system not understanding what lies beyond. Now here is ware it gets really crazy. The number of atoms in even the tiniest thing we see is huge and in a constant state of flux. Molecules are springing into their preferred shape at a rate of about four hundred million million per second and others are being destroyed at the same rate. This means nothing has a permanent identity, your cat is not the same cat you saw two minuets ago, microscopically her atoms were rearranged to such an extant that only the stability of her gross features enables us to caller her one cat. Two atoms of the same kind are indistinguishable from one another and at a deeper subatomic level the atoms are in a constant state of flux. ‘We think things in time persist because structures persist and we mistake the structures for substance. But looking for enduring structures is like looking for time. It slips through your fingers. One cannot step in the same river twice.’ I know this is all theoretical and it can’t yet be proven, but the idea I’m trying to put forth is the possibility that the countless amount of probabilities (parallel universes) are the electrons of a much larger world. Atoms are mostly empty space with electrons popping in and out of existence around a small super dense point in the center. The building blocks of our reality are just bubbles of probabilities.
Martin Posted September 15, 2007 Posted September 15, 2007 CosmicVoyage said: I know this is all theoretical and it can’t yet be proven, but the idea I’m trying to put forth is the possibility that the countless amount of probabilities (parallel universes) are the electrons of a much larger world. Atoms are mostly empty space with electrons popping in and out of existence around a small super dense point in the center. The building blocks of our reality are just bubbles of probabilities. It is a speculative idea, CV, so I moved it to the Spec forum. for an idea to be nonspeculative there must be some experimental prediction that it makes that can be used to test it, or at least clear progress towards a predictive theory must be in evidence you might think about this and perhaps come up with a doable experiment, or else a more testable idea.
spider1 Posted September 19, 2007 Posted September 19, 2007 light is constrained to our universe. That is part of the reason dark matter appears 'dark'. Gravity is the spine of time. Currently there are membranes(parallel universes) ahead and behind us on this gravity spine. Between membranes there is matter waiting. We only exchange with the matter that is currently there. Almost as if the membrane activates the matter as is passes through hyperspace. It is hard to imagine all the dimensions at one time. There is a certain level of supersymmetry involved in this procces. As if matter is somehow following the same path the universe ahead of ours is. Dark matter may be cooling down in a sense just waithing for the next membrane to pass by and charge up. So if it is ahead and behind us it would be somewhat detectable also seeming to surround everything.
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