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Enzymes- A lil help guys


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I am doing a reasearch on enzyme nomenclature and need help on 2 concepts tht I am stuck on, they are the class of enzymes and the types of reactions. This is University Level work.


If anyone can put some examples here that be great.


thx in advance

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Here's a site with a lil help. I'm taking Bio 121 and I'm only 16.



EC 1.12.1 With NAD+ or NADP+ as acceptor




EC now EC

EC hydrogen dehydrogenase

EC hydrogen dehydrogenase (NADP+)

[EC Transferred entry: now EC hydrogenase (EC created 1965, deleted 1972)]




Accepted name: hydrogen dehydrogenase


Reaction: H2 + NAD+ = H+ + NADH


Other name(s): H2:NAD+ oxidoreductase; NAD-linked hydrogenase; bidirectional hydrogenase; hydrogenase


Systematic name: hydrogen:NAD+ oxidoreductase


Comments: An iron-sulfur flavoprotein (FMN or FAD). Some forms of this enzyme contain nickel





Basically, they classify it on what it reacts with and how it reacts with it.

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