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Bush vetoes expansion of child health insurance


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What a great development. You want to know why SCHIP deserved to be vetoed EVEN IF you're a supporter of stealing other people's wages and using them for your charity work?


Because even people making 3 times the poverty level, that own businesses and property, including a $500,000 home, with two kids in private school, with monthly surplus income that exceeds the amount required to cover health insurace still get covered under this entitlement.


You won't hear it from CBS News. Go ahead, read and soak it in. This is half of the story - the half they want you to hear.




Here's the other half:






And you can find that other half all over the net.


Priceless excerpt:


According to the financial records, the father owned a business, including the building that made up the business. There was also another business housed on the same property which almost certainly means he was receiving rent from the other business. Furthermore, both children in the family went to private school. Finally, the family lived in a home valued at almost $500 thousand.


The Democrats tug on our emotions by parading little children who survived terrible accidents to plead with the public to provide a social program that they claim will only serve those that can't serve themselves. Too bad that isn't the truth. Since the media is in cohoots with them, too bad most of the public will never know the truth of the case of Graeme Frost.


And I had to throw this one in here because, of course, this is what "parading children for political gain" is all about...an unchallengable advocate:




See? You can't refute little kids no matter how full of shit they are. Can't be done. Just go ahead and try...

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Healthcare in Europe isn't free.


Not free, but it's quite cheap compared to the U.S. system. Their system saves more lifes, and it's cheaper. On the other hand, it does infuriate the apostles of the free market, it might even go against "common sense" (which is always better than facts). And of course, if you think the U.S. should have a lower infant mortality rates than some little country with a tenth of their GDP/capita, it's only because you're "politically correct".

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The only thing that infuriates the apostles of the free market is the fact we don't have one for healthcare. You keep making the mistaken assumption that we have a free market healthcare system today. We don't. We have a government propogated socialist bubble shoved into the market place.

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