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My new dull blawg....


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I don't know if this will be considered spam, but I'd thought I would just tell you guys of my new blog. The reason I'm posting about it is because the blog I just set up is largely about science and devoted to debunking pseudoscience and other forms of quackery or misconceptions, and rant about philosophy and life in general... And no, its not intended to compete with dbunked, its just a place where I can post my random thoughts about life. You are free to look onto my blog and either critique my views or give me praise :D .


here is the link: http://radiantaspie.blogspot.com/


And for future reference, my link is on my signature. There is not much on it, since I just started it today, but don't worry, there will be an abundance of topics on it as soon as I have the time to post them.

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Just a quick personal observation but why would you call it dull? What's my motivation to go somewhere that's dull and read dull stuff written by some dull guy? :confused:


A little marketing can go a long way. How about My Challenging Blog or Psycho Science Blog or even Blinkin' Blog (your logo is molecules fit together to make a log cabin, your tag line is Building Up to Brilliance)?


If you're not worth a little selling, why would I buy into you?

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I guess your right. The reason I called it dull was intended as an oxymoron, but I guess it wasn't a good one...


Besides, I'm not sure how many people will actually read it, even though I do promote it and market it. If you want to rename the thread to something more interesting you can.

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