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Global Warming

Guest DancerB

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Guest DancerB

Hi, I'm doing a research project about global warming. I wanted to know what opinions some of you have about it. Do you think it's a real problem, is it overblown, does something need to be done about it, and if something does need to be done, what might that be? Thanks so much in advance.

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Well its hard to say, because it is difficult to tell exactly how global warming is affecting us, and what the effects will be, however we can make an assumption from what we know about the atmosphere and climate. Over the last hundred years global temperatures have risen by around 0.5-1.0°F. This may seem very small, but it is large enough for global sea levels to increase about 10 inches.

It is known that burning fossil fuels and pollution are major contributors, if something was to be done to reduce the effects of global warming it would be to cut back on fossil fuels, but in order to do this an alternative, sustainable, source of energy needs to be discovered, which i don't think will happen soon.


On the other hand records show that during the medieval period global temperatures rose, just like it is doing now, people are arguing that its 'natural' for global temperatures to rise. This may be true but there's a major difference between the two periods; one period of increasing temperatures was due to bruning fossil fuels, the other, wasn't

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as a Chili grower/researcher, I for one can`t help myself appreciate some of the benefits a few extra degrees make.

ok, thats a very selfish attitude I know, and I`m sure it`s a real issue. but if you like Honesty, then that`s my way of perceiving it ;)

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Cap'n Refsmmat said in post # :

Sometimes I laugh at global warming, when I walk outside and freeze solid. Man, its COLD out there!

Anyway, some of the reports say that is just a normal fluctuation.


One of the effects of global warming is the freezing of britain.


Disruption of the gulf stream and that.

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YT2095 said in post # :

well alot of my work "locks up" some that carbon in the form of plants (250 sqr meters worth). so I`m kinda working against you there Rad, sorry :)


It's like a mixture of James Bond and Captain Planet, the last two posts.

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Guest sisterjane

I believe that there is no real problem with global warming and I think that the government planted that in your head so that they can implant the microchip in your head. Global warming is all a lie fight the power!

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sisterjane said in post # :

I believe that there is no real problem with global warming and I think that the government planted that in your head so that they can implant the microchip in your head. Global warming is all a lie fight the power!



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Guest kestrel

Global warming I think is partially the fault of the way us humans work and partially the way that the world... well, works. I think its a half and half kinda deal personally, but the humana half has tipped the scales slightly, (if that makes sense) on their side of the 'fault' line... I don't think we can do anything about it, once its started there's no way of stopping the way the world works!

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Yes, we definately need more carbon in the atomosphere. Right now we are at an all time low for carbon dioxide. Guess what the plants require! Not to mention the cycle of warm weather is ending according to the ice core readings, we are due for the next Ice age soon. BURN! BURN!

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