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NOVA on Intelligent Design


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On another message board I read that the NOVA program on PBS is going to show something on intelligent design, to comply with their wish that it should treated "fairly" on such shows designed to inform the general public about science.


Unfortunately for the ID'ers, this upcoming show is intended to DEBUNK them yet again, and this time in front of the masses.


It is going to primarily cover the events that happened in 2004 when a town in Penn, known as Dover, the science teachers refused to promote ID as a science or an alternative theory. Of course, this sparked a lawsuit from the fundamentalists and everything became a big mess. Needless to say, they lost and ID is not being taught or even mentioned (phew!).


Here is information about the program: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/id/


And here is another article about it: http://newsblaze.com/story/20071010150344tsop.np/newsblaze/NEWSWIRE/NewsBlaze-Wire.html



Its going to come out sometime in November, and I'm most certainly going to watch it. Its about time that a major media outlet finally presents the fact that there is no contest between evolution and ID, that ID is NOT SCIENCE, and that it should not even be considered as such and deserves no mention anywhere. Given the large audience that NOVA usually generates on hot topics, maybe the public will be much better informed... Regardless, its certainly a step in the right direction.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hope I remember to watch this. It's November 13. I have a feeling I'll completely forget about it...


This coming week is "Sputnik Declassified," then next week, the ID conversation. Hopefully I'll remember to bumb this thread a week from now. :cool:

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This coming week is "Sputnik Declassified," then next week, the ID conversation. Hopefully I'll remember to bumb this thread a week from now. :cool:


I'm counting on you here; I can't depend on the 2 brain cells I've got left. One's lost and the other is out looking for it...

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Watching right now :D


It's not over yet, but do you not think they're going a little easy on ID? They haven't mentioned the Wedge Document or the fact that From Pandas and People was written as a Creation Science textbook, but the names were changed after Edward v. Aguilard declared Creation Science unconstitutional to teach in public schools.


EDIT: I guess I was a bit premature.

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It's not over yet, but do you not think they're going a little easy on ID? They haven't mentioned the Wedge Document or the fact that From Pandas and People was written as a Creation Science textbook, but the names were changed after Edward v. Aguilard declared Creation Science unconstitutional to teach in public schools.


There's a tightrope to walk. They can't just attack one side without making the situation worse. They are presenting the facts, and letting the viewer decide for themselves. It's the classic "show us, don't tell us" approach, and I credit them for it myself.


As you said though, it's still on, so I'm logging off now to finish watching. ;) I love pausing live tv. :D




EDIT: The second half of the program seems a bit more... uhmmm... fitting. :cool:




EDIT: I guess I was a bit premature.


Hahahaha... I just read this AFTER my edit! :D

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Didn't you just love the Pat Robertson comment? All those voters can't ask God for help? This guy always seems to remind me what a shit he is when my memory is fading. Wow, this shows how desperate Guiliani must be to get the evangelical vote. If he can shake Pat's hand, the guy who agreed that God had a hand in 9/11, well he should be able to shake Bin Laden's as well.

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One of the best episodes of Nova ever.


And it contained one of the funniest moments in Nova history, which can be summed up in two words: "cdesign proponentsists". I had to stop the Tivo for ten minutes when they called it "the missing link between creationism and intelligent design". :D

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And it contained one of the funniest moments in Nova history, which can be summed up in two words: "cdesign proponentsists". I had to stop the Tivo for ten minutes when they called it "the missing link between creationism and intelligent design". :D

That was absolutely beautiful. It was such an amazing piece of evidence of the one to one substitution they made in the text. I can't imagine having to have read the thousands of pages of versions of the Panda book to find that, but I give credit to woman who did, and thank her for it. I can't recall her name right now though.



Mooeypoo recently opened a thread on the impacts of our decisions on our children and our future. I'll leave comments as to how sick it makes me when so many people's priorities are focussed on changing truth to suit faith to that thread... to be found below: ;)



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I watched the first half and have taped the second. But I loved how the defense lawyers were describing how incredibly low the bar had to be for them to win the case. Basically "We don't need to disprove evolution, just show that our stuff has some secular purpose. Some redeeming scientific quality to it." And they couldn't, of course.

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The breathtaking inanity of the Board’s decision is evident when considered against the factual backdrop which has now been fully revealed through this trial. The students, parents, and teachers of the Dover Area School District deserved better than to be dragged into this legal maelstrom, with its resulting utter waste of monetary and personal resources.


Not a bad decision for a Boy Scout, Republican and Bush appointee, huh libbies? ;-)


Another thing I thought was fascinating was how the show pointed out the fact that this is mainly a problem of ignorance, not only about evolution but about how science works in general and what science actually is. Note the prominence of the falsifiability argument in the story.

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Not a bad decision for a Boy Scout, Republican and Bush appointee, huh libbies? ;-)


Another thing I thought was fascinating was how the show pointed out the fact that this is mainly a problem of ignorance, not only about evolution but about how science works in general and what science actually is. Note the prominence of the falsifiability argument in the story.


Incidentally, this is also what drives me nuts about conservative radio. Over and over again, they prove their ignorance to the scientific method AND they confuse scientists agendas with science. They love to lump the two together and claim they're being "attacked by science".

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Darn it, I couldn't watch it last night, stuck all night preparing for some exam....

But, there is another showing at 1 am so I'll stick around for that show.


I see so far lots of favorable reviews over here :D

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Not a bad decision for a Boy Scout, Republican and Bush appointee, huh libbies? ;-)


I find it ironic (on many levels) that he received death threats and was called an activist judge. In retrospect, it was fortunate to have a judge with his particular pedigree, since the claims of activism or bias ring so hollow.

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Darn it, I couldn't watch it last night, stuck all night preparing for some exam....

But, there is another showing at 1 am so I'll stick around for that show.


It will be on this week a few more times, but just in case you don't catch it (or, let's say you don't own a television), no worries...


Here's a link to the transcript. :)



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I find it ironic (on many levels) that he received death threats and was called an activist judge. In retrospect, it was fortunate to have a judge with his particular pedigree, since the claims of activism or bias ring so hollow.


Absolutely! If he had been a Clinton employee the outcry from the right would have been ten times as great. The fact that they convinced this judge helps to carry the issue with moderate, open-minded conservatives who have been inundated by Creationist/ID advocacy in everything from conservative talk radio to the Sunday sermon.


If we can turn the corner with that group then we can relegate "cdesign proponentsists" to the trash heap of conspiracy theorists and spoon-benders.

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