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Incredibly Earth-like planet found 20 light years away


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the exoplanet search is finding planets at a great rate and I expect that it WILL come up with some habitable ones not too far away----so that they can be studied with improved instruments.


But I'm personally doubtful that Gliese 581 C is a good place for life.


I think another planet at the same star might be a better prospect, namely Gliese 581 D.


that is what these people say:


and it makes a lot of sense.


Planet C is pretty close in and could have been ruined by a runaway greenhouse, like our planet Venus.


Planet D is further out and would be too cold EXCEPT for its presumed greenhouse blanket.


There's some WikiP about these planets.





The whole Gliese 581 system is interesting (tho can't be certain that it's actually habitable).

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