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Is NASA Terra-Forming Mars?

Guest ArchAngel432

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Guest ArchAngel432

In the year 1999 and seven months

A great King of Terror will come from the sky.

He will bring back the great King Genghis Khan.

Before and after Mars rules happily.



How do you begin Terra-Forming another planet? There is an ancient, but educational game that hopes to answer this question though simulation called SimEarth. I can tell you that the in the begining the secret is to crash a Comet into the planets. Many things will happen including depositing water and gasses, liberating elements and compounds stored underground, and raising the temperature. So lets crash a comet into Mars.


Unforutunately there is no remote-control for comets.


The plan would be to slingshot nukes off another planet and intercept the comet before it approached Mars and divert it into a collision path. The mission begins in [Aprox]December 1998 when the first interceptor is launched. It will carry at least two independent craft with warheads, and control systems linked through high speed communication. A secondary will be launched in January of 1999.


In September of 1999 the first interceptor will slingshot around Mars and head towards the comet. The second will follow in december dropping at least two small probes as it slingshots around. During the next few months they would adjust their heading, then deploy the independently controled warheads. Observed through a telescope and controled via radio the warheads will be detonated near the comet to change its path. The secondaries can do any final corrections after observations by the telescope.


To bad the impact will happen just after the Grand Conjuction so Mars will be in the Halo of the sun so it cannot be seen .

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Guest ArchAngel432
I can dream up fairy tails about what our space probes have been really doing for the past 40 years of space exploration, but that doesn't make them true.



What you see, what you do not see, and what is really there is not so simple, or even the same thing. It is a begining when it is possible, practice for the future, everything happened right on time, and no one on earth would have seen it when it hit.


A solar telescope may be able to see it from Lagrange point orbit.







It would be a violent event that creates many energetic reactions including a shower of high speed protons that would travel out in much the same way as in a solar flare and could be detected by an orbiting sensing satellite.




But since Mars will be further away it will take longer for them to arrive.



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the launch and deployment of nuclear weapons into space (ignoring deep space for a second) is prohibited under international treaties.

rocket technology is not far enough advanceced to GARAUNTEE a 100% succesful launch without risk of a CATO and spreading extremely radioactive material over a very wide and often populated area(s).

Billions of dollars of good money has been invested in many planned Sat launches alone, only to be smited at the last mili sec by a CATO at high alt. they will not and cannot risk that with nuclear payloads. it`s considerably different to carrying them on board an aircraft and have that crash.

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Guest ArchAngel432
the launch and deployment of nuclear weapons into space (ignoring deep space for a second) is prohibited under international treaties.




There are many occasions where intercepting with nuclear weapons is the best option. Practice makes perfect for when it really counts.

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ArchAngel432 said in post # :

There are many occasions where intercepting with nuclear weapons is the best option. Practice makes perfect for when it really counts.

That may well be "true", but there still aren't any nuclear weapons up there. Nor have there ever been.

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I`m sure that in the future these proposed hypothesize will be brought to fuition, however, for the NOW, it is not possible under current regulation (put there for the reasons outlined above).

but in a nutshell, as sayo said re IS Nasa teraforming Mars? the answer is NO :)

would they like to? Who Wouldn`t? :)

are there many different plans as to how it could be done? You BET!

but for the now... naah, sorry dude, it`s a long way off yet :)

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Guest ArchAngel432
That may well be "true", but there still aren't any nuclear weapons up there. Nor have there ever been.


I was hoping to find people educated enough to understand this, open enough to consider it, and curious enough to check out my guestimations so I made it entertaining, and compact.


Would you agree that it is possible?


Or am I in the wrong forum?

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it will most certainly be possible to get nukes up there :)

there is NO REASON (technicaly) that it can`t be done. it may involve the parts going up there like an Ikea flat pack kit to be assembled in space, and the yeaild could be of the Giga Tons as space is a very large palying feild and there`s not really much to "blow up" so to speak, so sure it`s possible EVENTUALY :)

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ArchAngel432 said in post # :

I was hoping to find people educated enough to understand this, open enough to consider it, and curious enough to check out my guestimations so I made it entertaining, and compact.

Would you agree that it is possible?

Or am I in the wrong forum?

You should probably have researched the forum and its users before passing off suggestions like "NASA put nukes in space" as fact. You won't get anywhere on here by saying "if you disagree with me, you're stupid."


You will find plenty of people here who are open to considering the possibility, but you're going to have to provide evidence instead of speculation and unsourced images.


Also don't use the word "guestimations", it robs you of the credibility you need to pull off a thread like this ;)

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Guest ArchAngel432
but for the now... naah, sorry dude, it`s a long way off yet :)


Laws aside, would the powers that be allow the opportunity of a lifetime to pass even if the goal were to simply try it, and see what happens?


Understanding the results of an impact would they not want such knowledge to be prepared?

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Guest ArchAngel432
You will find plenty of people here who are open to considering the possibility, but you're going to have to provide evidence instead of speculation and unsourced images.


The images are from NASA, and NOAA. If they are edited it was by them.

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ArchAngel432 said in post # :


Laws aside, would the powers that be allow the opportunity of a lifetime to pass even if the goal were to simply try it, and see what happens?


Understanding the results of an impact would they not want such knowledge to be prepared?


well if you or anyone can find a way to put "laws aside" then you`re a better man/woman that anyone else here on SFN :)

as sayo said, if there finacial or political issues then yes they would lay aside that chance, as the possible catastrophic results would be worth alot more than a presidancy.

the results can be fairly accurately predicted with computer models, there`s no need to spend billions on realtime guesswork/experimentation. statistical analysis of these models will cost alot less (a few million max) and give better results.

or at least results with a sufficiently high enough probability of success :)

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Guest ArchAngel432
They have been stripped of their context and legends, so you can expect a lot of people to just skip over them.


They are direct links to images from NASA and NOAA. Right click on them, and select properties.

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Guest ArchAngel432
I know how to find the source of an image thanks.


Then please understand that there is no "context or legends" other than what is printed with the images.

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I understand that. My point was that you can't expect the people who read this thread to grab the URL for the source page from the properties of every image, and go off hunting for the details that are meant to be part of your argument.


Why not just provide a source link?

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Guest ArchAngel432

" well now all that`s cleared up, dare I ask what this has to do with post #1?"


It lays down the timeline of the speculated mission, provides the data you would need to begin investigating, and hopefully some entertainment. Reasons, and results could be debated forever, but if it is/was possible can more easily be decided.


"and all this Gengis khan stuff? I must admit, that part kinda threw me a little, and I considered the Pseudoscience ward for a while :)"


We could move on to that if it is not too off topic after we establish the possibility. I was hoping to have people who understand this sort of thing look at it, and say that it is possible.


If you do not care to indulge in such things then please do not let me impose on you. I thought the general discussion board at a science forum would be the best place to post it, and that it would not be too off topic.

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ArchAngel432 said in post # :

[b"and all this Gengis khan stuff? I must admit, that part kinda threw me a little, and I considered the Pseudoscience ward for a while :)"


We could move on to that if it is not too off topic after we establish the possibility. I was hoping to have people who understand this sort of thing look at it, and say that it is possible.


If you do not care to indulge in such things then please do not let me impose on you. I thought the general discussion board at a science forum would be the best place to post it, and that it would not be too off topic. [/b]


it can`t be "off topic" if you posted it in #1 :)


there no impossition and if I didn`t care to indulge or rather find out what you meant, I`de have ignored it :)

your descision to post here was a good one, and you`ve not "met" all of us yet, so don`t second guess yourself, stick with it and see what others think of your thoughts, that afterall would at least be a fair trial of ideas :)

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ArchAngel432 said in post #1 :

In the year 1999 and seven months

A great King of Terror will come from the sky.

He will bring back the great King Genghis Khan.

Before and after Mars rules happily.




YT2095 said in post # :

well now all that`s cleared up, dare I ask what this has to do with post #1?

and all this Gengis khan stuff? I must admit, that part kinda threw me a little, and I considered the Pseudoscience ward for a while :)


It's a garbled version of Nostradamus's Quatrain 10-72. It's the one about the end of the world. It's an odd translation for a couple of reasons. King Genghis Khan is not a correct title, as Khan means 'Ruler', Genghis was also a title (of universal or overall) . That name would make him King Universal Ruler, which is silly. Nostradamus's actual reference was to the Angoulmois king, which could be anyone really.


Nostradamus had vauge predictions, in old French, which are very hard to translate out of the original French.

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