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hey i have an assignment on astatine and i need help


i need to know


where it is found

what ore it is found in

how it is obtained

what it is used for

compounds its found in

who discovered it

what year it was discovered in

how it got its name


and anything else useful.


please help me with this. its due on wednesday!!


Here's just one hit I received on Google for "History of Astatine":




Astatine - the atomic number is 85 and the chemical symbol is At. The name derives from the Greek astatos for "unstable" since it is an unstable element. It was first thought to have been discovered in nature in 1931 and was named alabamine. When it was determined that there are no stable nuclides of this element in nature, that claim was discarded. It was later shown that astatine had been synthesized by the physicists Dale R. Corson, Kenneth R. Mackenzie and Emilio Segre at the University of California lab in Berkeley, California in 1940 who bombarded bismuth with alpha particles, in the reaction 209Bi( 4He, 2n) 211At. Independently, a claim about finding some x-ray lines of astatine was the basis for claiming discovery of an element helvetium, which was made in Bern, Switzerland. However, the very short half-life precluded any chemical separation and identification. The longest half-life associated with this unstable element is 8.1 hour 210At.



Similar searches such as "where is astatine found" might be fruitful as well. Good luck on the assignment. :)

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