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Some of you new guys don't know how to use some of the tags(or that some even exist), so I'll start off explaining a few. Feel free to add more if I forgot any.


One of the most used tags is the quote tag. The quote tag, like all of them, have opening brackets and closing brackets. The quote tag begins with

without the space in the brackets. If you want to add a name ("originally posted by ___"), then the opening is
(once again' date=' omit the space. After the opening brackets comes the quote itself. To close the quote tag, you type [/quote '] without the space.





Another one of the most used is the hyperlink tag. without the space(and, no, you don't use the <> signs) then type the words you want to be the link. To close this tag, type [/url ] without the space.





Perhaps the most obvious is the image tag. Open the tag with img without the space.





Common in the physics and math forums is the LaTeX tag. This tag is opened with [math ] and closed with [/math], both without the spaces. There is a thread where you can learn about this tag more, as it can be more complex.





Many posts make use of some text formatting.


To bold a word, use the [b ] [/b ] tag. To italicize, use the [i ] [/i ] tags. To underline, use the [u ] [/u ] tags.


Now, for the lesser known ones.



You can type a superscript using the [sup ] [/sup ] tags.


Example: E=mc2


Similarly, you can type a subscript using the [sub ] [/sub ] tags.


Example: A3=A1+A2


If you like the puzzles and brainteasers, you can give your answer without giving it away by using the spoiler tag. Open it with [hide ], type your answer, then close it with [/hide ]. If you see a spoiler tag, you can uncover the answer by highlighting it with your cursor.





If you are fond of using acronyms, it would be nice of you to let us know what they mean by using the acronym tags. Open with [acr=meaning ] then type the acronym you want to use and close with [/acr ]. To view the meaning of an acronym, just place your cursor over it. Acronym tags are visible by being underlined with dots.



[acr=Modifications and Additions to Reactor Facilities]MARF[/acr]


And there's the one most don't know about and many forgot about. Without further ado, we have the bubble tags! There are many characters from which you can choose to make a speech bubble. You can choose from Bender, Bush, Cartman, Ermy, Gir, Hitler, Homer, Jesus, Zim, Zoidberg. Please note that this tag is to be used in General Discussion forum ONLY! All violations of that rule are punishable by something much worse than death....a night at Blike's house! Open a bubble with

Character - character
corner_tl.gif corner_tr.gif tail.gif corner_bl.gif corner_br.gif
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Noparse would help your post above. Too often, when we are trying to show someone how to use the quote tags, we add spaces, and this doesn't lend to easier understanding among those who already don't know how to do it.


You can use the tags, encapsolate them in noparse tags, and it won't render.


For example, without no parse:


quote here


With no parse:


quote here



The code for the above looks like this:


quote here
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