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MDMA Approved for Phase II Clinical Study


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After 2 years of searching, a South Carolina psychiatrist found an Institutional Review Board to approve a limited clinical trial that will use MDMA (Ecstacy, X, ADAM) in psychotherapy on a group of women suffering from PTSD resulting from rape or other violence. The study will be placebo controlled and limited to a group of 20 in the first round. Despite its use as an adjunct to psychotherapy in the 1970s, MDMA was made a Schedule I drug and this is the first study approved since it was scheduled.


Hopefully this is a very small step towards a better understanding of the potential benefits of DEA-vilified substances.



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under lab conditions even snake venom can can proove to usefull and life saving (it`s pointless villifying anything without propper tests), and being as it will be clinicaly pure MDMA and not the crap on the streets, I think it`s an excellent idea, not every medicine suits everone, but if this helps just a few people then go for it :)

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