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Galaxi trick, How can it be farther away than its existence time?


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If the universe started with the/a big bang then everything was together at the beginning of the universe.


So how can you say I'm looking back 13 billion years when the univerese was only 750 million years old.


So how did that galaxi get 13000million lightyears away from here in only 750million years ????


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The universe is a lot older than 750 million years. The article itself said that the universe is 13.7 billion years old, they're just looking at something that existed 13 billion years ago.


You're just completely misunderstanding the article.

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Yes, I know I simplified that because the expansion should be close to lightspeed to be able to have that result.


let me give an example with numbers.

(again with some assumtions/simplification)

T0=one point

T1=space expanding at lightspeed

T2=750million years later light starts to travel towards the other end of the universe. diameter of universe is 1.5billion lightyears. (while expanding)

T3=Light arrives 13billion years later.


The begin distance is 1.5billion lightyears.

The arrival is 13billion years later. (at lightspeed)

So the average speed between 'first light' and us: 1.5/13 = 0.12c (lightspeed minus our speed)

meaning we were expanding at an average of 0.88c


And this is my problem: 0.88c, isn't that way to much ???

(I thought it would be closer to c but it's still a lot)


I know the universe isn't put together that simple put you understand what I mean now (I hope)

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