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Carbon makes 4 bonds or at least has the ability to do so. The electronic configuration of Carbon is as follows:


C6 = 1s2 2s2 2p2


Now in order for carbon to make 4 bonds it needs to have exactly 4 half-filled orbitals ( 1 2s one and 3 2p ones). An electron should be promoted to the last of 2p orbital. Promotion of electron needs energy. I was wondering where the energy came from? Does the 1s orbital make bonds with 2s orbital? because bond making is exothermic and the energy released can be used to promote an electron from 2s to 2p.


Any help?


it actually does something quite wierd here.


the orbitals kind of merge to form 4 hybridized sp3 orbitals. these look like a very lopsided p orbital with one lobe much bigger than the other. these have equal potentials so no extra energy is needed. as to the reasons why this hapens, i haven't got a clue. its a quantum mechanical thing.

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