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superman, here is the basic question: Once some energy has been used to move water from a higher level to a lower level -- that energy being used to generate electricity -- how is the water going to get back to it's higher level? That is going to cost energy, too, and it will be at least as much energy as you got from the water going from a higher elevation to a lower one. And, if you try to convert that energy to electricity, there are going to be unavoidable losses. So, you end up with less energy than where you started.


So, the critical question is, how do you think you can overcome this? What loophole do you think you have found that hasn't been found yet? Where in this picture is the "free" energy?


Like I said, I'm not holding my breath.

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You mentioned that equation had influence on particles...wrong, the thread is about renewable energy, quit trying to defend a faulty post.

If there is gravitational attraction between two objects, and everyone knows (but you seem not to) that those objects are made of particles (like everything else), and so there is gravitational attractions between them too.:eyebrow:

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I have to say... wind power won't screw up your radio reception and is very quiet done properly. (it does have the big problem of being useless without wind though.) (I'm a big fan of wind power, but not yet an expert.)


That said, if you have a idea work on it and see where it goes. Be prepared if it can't work for some reason... I've had some ideas that after some research I discovered for one reason or another weren't going to work very well... But in following that path I had new ideas.... and following up with those ideas I had more ideas... and some of those turned out to be things I could make work in my house...


I don't feel one should think of gravity as energy... you could think of mass kept away from another mass a kind of energy storage, for example the lake at a hight elevation feeding a dam allowing the water to fall to a lower elevation. The energy from a dam comes from the sun heating water... to clouds, to rain or snow.... Falling at a higher elevation than the dam. Gravity is a force not energy....


Live well

Enjoy life!

-Ben D

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There may be no such thing as free energy, but there is plentiful energy. The vacuum energy stored in the universe is so huge that if you took away enough to power mankind for the next billion years, you wouldn't notice the difference. If we ever figured out how to tap it, we would effectively have free limitless energy.

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