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Does decoherence use environment in wave functions to produce point values? I am reading up on this subject currently and from the basis of einselection I guess is the mechanism that leads to the classical world or such phenomena.


The of course you have the field of complex systems I think trying to describe emergent behavior. What I don’t understand about the emergent behavior aspect is that what has emerged is to be somewhat a discrete unit to itself. Such as in the wiki article on emergent systems and or behavior, don’t recall exactly, psychology was worded as to be separate of biology(to be honest that sounds insane to me).


In string theory a primordial “one” or entity is looked for that can lead to all other things if I can sum it up that way. Back to QM, A quantum step, and or jump is quantized meaning a discrete amount of energy, yet while it is called discrete it sill retains the energy title. So in reference to einselction and emergent systems being discrete I could only think of as being the product of a larger field perhaps metastable in time produced constantly by decoherence. This sort of draws into effect questions such as if physical constants if we know them happen to simply be metastable in the same fashion. This then leads me to question how much damage we might have really don’t to the environment for how long. If its by quantum phenomena that the classical world has emerged, changing such basically then details a huge amount of understanding that be required. I also think that giving the reality that environment is interactive that emergent systems cannot be fully discrete.


Being quantum dots are the height really of quantum engineering prowess I would suggest the earth as a dot might be a bit out of our scope to control vs. simply interacting with to whatever scale such as global warming. This means the height of physical science would be severely challenged to truly bring the earth back to a global ecology currently supporting the life as we know it which is temporal and open to natural selection. Currenly I think the only real solution as of right now not for all time is simply trying to move in accordance with the environment as to aid its stability. We can record a great deal of variables in time about how the earth was and is currently. So its by means of trying to keep those in bounds that produces the earth as we know it. That to me is all environmental protection could really mean currently.


As an item of interest, I would like to offer for further reading actually regardless of my topic.


"Environmental effects

In 1995, a large flock of migrating snow geese landed on the Berkeley Pit water and were killed, most likely by the high concentration of acid.[citation needed] 342 carcasses were recovered.[1] Their livers and kidneys had bloated, and many had eroded esophaguses.[citation needed] ARCO, the current custodian of the Pit, denied that the toxic water caused the death of the geese, instead blaming their deaths on their diet.[1] They maintain that the Pit is safe and environmentally sound.[citation needed] It is unclear what scientific basis this claim is made upon.


Nearby residents are also concerned about the fog produced by the pit and are wondering what it is doing to their health. The most recent development in the clean-up was the construction of a treatment plant on Horseshoe Bend. This facility is intended to treat and divert water coming from the Horseshoe Bend flow. In addition, it will be able to treat the existing Berkeley Pit water in 2018, or whenever the water level hits the critical point of 5,410 feet above sea level. This number was set by Federal order and is intended to protect the ground water from being contaminated by the water in the pit.




It is currently one of Americas largest and most expensive clean up site environmentally speaking.

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