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My civilian service starts tomorrow. :|


While the Finnish army service typically takes 6-12 months, the non-military civilian service is always 12 months. (Although with my luck it probably gets reduced to 8 months after I've completed it)




On the other hand after the training period of three weeks it's basically just a normal job that you do for (nearly) free so it probably won't hinder my forum spamming to any noticeable extent.


At least you're not in the Navy. I hear the new Finnish Navy has glass-bottomed boats so they can see the *old* Finnish Navy.



Keep your head down, Gilded, and best of luck, you dumb bastard. Stick the bad guys with the pointy end of the sword. :P


Nevermind, service got postponed three years due to mental and physical condition. Should've kept my mouth shut about the pine tables I suppose. I think this is ultimately a good thing for me, allowing lots of time for studying or wrecking mayhem on a galactic scale.


Anyway since this bastard of a thread has already been made I'm happy to answer your questions.


Generally speaking civilian service has been somewhat frowned upon in Finland, one reason being that a great deal of company CEOs etc. were either war veterans, had war veterans for fathers or were overly patriotic military nuts for some other reason that lead them to think that only some sort of no-good faggots choose civilian service.


After the training period (which apparently is 4 weeks due to a recent law being passed), the service itself can be done at any non-profit facility or organization in Finland. This includes many things ranging from prisons and elementary schools to hospitals, museums and those places where they try to make 16-year-olds realize they should do less heroine.

those places where they try to make 16-year-olds realize they should do less heroine.


Make 16-year-olds do less female heroes?


Yes, for example Lucy Lawless has found sexual assaults by 16-year-olds to be a real problem. But thank god there are institutions for these disturbed individuals.







Also, damn this forum for its lack of an edit button. Back in the good ol' days it used to have one. :| Which was nice since I nevre cechk my spleling or garmmar befroe I psot.


Edit: Hey wait a minute, now it has one. Tihs is mgaic!

Also, damn this forum for its lack of an edit button. Back in the good ol' days it used to have one. :| Which was nice since I nevre cechk my spleling or garmmar befroe I psot.


Edit: Hey wait a minute, now it has one. Tihs is mgaic!

The edit button runs away and hides after six hours. It can only stand being exposed for so long, you know.


I'm not sure, recently I've been starting to feel the urge to... to actually post meaningful stuff and... to contribute somehow. It's horrible but I'm sure it'll pass soon enough.

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