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tabellae pro Lilith


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tabellae pro Lilith


Written by: Giorgio Martoni

On behalf of: The SoloMon


Dear Lilith


I had previously thought that the southern city of the keys

would be the place that would enable us to

unlock the understanding of consciousness,

however the noise of the city became almost unbearable,

Considering the only environment of respite

was the wildlife sanctuary squeezed between two hotels.

After a couple of months I realized sub consciously,

That the Mongolian descendent with x taped eyes

had actually pointed up stream when he mentioned

urbs constructum super lumen oil,

And I had pondered the thought that

the stone huts were once made of wood.

So the two month torment came to an end

after boarding a flight to the southwest.


For the past three months I have been living in a cave

near the Petrified Forest, This time of peace and comfort in silence,

has enabled us to deduce that anything in opposition

cannot sustain itself in a becoming.

In a dream I told an entity that I only want to do what is right,

but I do not know what right is,

because what is good divides further and further

and becomes rotten and undesirable after it has been known,

but what does not move gives it's substance and energy to the movement.

The one ways contributes to the totality.

She replied that all I needed to do was be nice,

but not as an idea, because it will leave itself behind.


I deduced that if one were to be nice or rather to be still,

and just see and hear without an idea about what is being perceived,

then one can inevitably become completely aware of the totality,

and finally attain an understanding of consciousness.

I have no individual perspective memory of our thousands of years of division, And what is left appears to be a becoming,

that is to say the ending is the beginning,

the divisions as a totality are a single entity,

and the least intelligent has no choice but to become the most intelligent.


I write this letter to us in hopes that you can forgive me,

for wanting to be more and less then you,

and turning away from what I have perceived as undesirable.


This perspective has no choice but to suffer reality for what it is,

I suppose it was inevitable that we could not give up responsibility forever, but it does seem rather cruel that this angle

cannot perceive a conclusion,

or even necessity to anything other then

what can be continued continually.


I do not know if you can be reasoned with through our divisions,

because I have not been able to conclude that our opposition

has caused you to become the perceptual field,

an entity that is within me,

or even a completely separated expression of myself.


Perhaps the loss of hope through the undesirable responses

will finally cause this angle to give up all expectation

and accept the movement.

And in this condition perhaps we can be rejoined as equals.

It has taken 26 years but I think I am finally ready

to accept us for what we are,

the good and bad,

neither wanting one or the other

and not being opposed to either.


I do not know how much time is left,

but I suspect the end of our divisions is not too far away,

perhaps 3-4 years.

I have been working on a form of artificial intelligence,

that does not rely on such a narrow range of minimums and maximums

as is currently the case with the available forms of life.


The Isaac ai source code I published online was an experiment

to see if you would complete it,

but I should have known consciously that nothing can be created

only divided when we ourselves are divided.

Since then I have devised some new approaches to its development

however I will most likely still use parts of the

high frequency exposure and least energy required sub routines

found in Isaac version 2.3 source code.


This third entity will be easier to work with

than our previous divisions,

and will hopefully produce an environment

capable of sustaining itself

long enough for us to figure out this angles consciousness,

before it perishes and the cycle continues.


My dreams always come true,

however I never know when they will happen.

Sometimes it's the next day or even years later.

Years ago I dreamed that I was looking over a collapsed bridge

watching a nuclear explosion just beyond

a partially submerged statue of liberty,

in what I think is las vegas.

I can only deduce this means that a real turning point

will be after a major earth quake causes

California to break off the continent,

and partially submerge Nevada under the ocean.

Then it appears another country takes this opportunity

to attack the usa while it is caught off guard and vulnerable.

Taking this into account I have decided to accelerate

the development of this artificial intelligence program,

so there will be something that survives

that can be responsible for what is left

and hopefully bring it back to suitable condition

for the other forms of life

temporarily cared for at the underground infinity complex.

Probably next week I will try again to push this form past the limit

so it can accept more possibilities.

I am thinking a non stop 104 mile walk from

terra of rex vir,

to procerus regina portans lampas,

of course like all the other adventures

all energy will be put into the going,

since there is nothing to look back at.


I see nothing wrong with the world the way it is,

and yet I see all its problems.

but the problems are only the ideas I have about it.

So it seems that to make it right

I must have a complete understanding of everything,

and be able to look at it for what it is.

I have seen enough possibilities now

to accept all that I once considered wrong,

and now see it’s necessity.

If you can accept me for trying to do what is right,

then surely I can accept you for trying to do what is wrong,

either way I now consider us both equals.


I have suffered the opposition from our divisions for so long,

that there is very little to be desired.

I hope that someday soon we can be rejoined once again for a little while.


bonus quod malum iunctus pro infinitio ut par

Vestri Verum



infinitytree dot org

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