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I need a system for my website (yes, it can be a standalone, it can be its own portal.. whatever.. i'll take anything at this point) that accepts files from users (Images only with the name of the 'author' and a short explanation) and stores them in a db with these details. Either a db with these details or a folder and an accompanying database.. whatever..


The thing is this:


We (at work) want to do a competition of drawings. We want people to send their drawing with an explanation and preferably a category (we're willing to be flexible..) and it will be stored on the system for a committee to view and choose winners.


The catch, however, is that we want the images to *NOT* be viewable by anyone other than *us* to avoid copying people's works.


Every shared-gallery system I found is for multiuser *viewing*. Only one I found with multiuser upload by it's full of bugs (Gallery2 it's called, with a component for wordpress, so I can setup a wordpress blog for the information/news about the competition and a gallery2 system for the images). We are expecting at the very least 10,000 images uploaded in the beginning, so starting up with a buggy system is not somethin gI want to do.


HELP. seriously.. why is this so hard to find!? Anyone knows of anything?




Thanks in advance,




Okay... I'm way beyond my technical ability even posting in this thread... but logically...


You need a web interface with an upload tool (to include image file, description text, and user doing the upload... and maybe a timestamp).

You need those uploads (and accompanying fields) to be stored in a database somewhere.

You need security and permissions to access that database where the uploads go.


Ideally, you would set permissions to be something like SYSOPS for folks like you with god-like power to be the only ones who can access the uploads, and also (a "nice to hav") a user-specific access point, where "If current_user = upload_person THEN allow picture to open ELSE "get your non-approved ass out of here" error message.



Do you have any of these things? Do you have a structure in place, and now just need to find a way to limit permissions and secuirty? Do you recall that I'm way out of my league already trying to help with this? ;)


Hehe thanks iNow but the entire point was to find something the already exists (like an existing opensource system or something)...


But yeah.. I gave up.. I am just proggin it myself. I already finished the login->verify email address->insert to userlist routine. Tomorrow i'll program the upload.


Anyone knows, btw, what the differences are (in practicality, security, etc) between storing the imgs as files in folders and storing as binary data inside mySQL table?


I am more comfortable with storing in the table, both programming wise and it seems more secure, even because i encapsulate it with headers of the correct encoding ("image/jpeg" for instance) so it wont read the headers of malicious files "pretending" to be jpegs, while my script is technically reading just the string after the . (couldnt find any way of having php read the header itself..)


Anyone knows?


Anyhoo, thanks for the try iNow :D



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