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Gowing bacterium for NON terroristic activities


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sorry if i was a fool it wasnt intended


Just for the fun of it i suppose and other reasons explained in the thread 'Exciting chemicals'


I suppose you could call me something of a 'Mad Scientist' becasue i would allways like to try out experiments especially if they are a bit 'oo-err'.


I apolagise again for my 'foolery' but i must stress i didnt mean to waist your time.

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My recommendation would be to stay WELL CLEAR of any sorts of bacterial or Viral agents!

I wouldn`t even do that in a properly equiped Lab as I don`t know enough to make sure I`de be 100% safe and I have 23 years experience in Labs of sorts ontop of your age, it`s not an area I feel comfortable with, and that`s ME saying that! seriously don`t mess! you`ll live longer :)

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well enough of the "dont culture bacteria"

and yes that is YT2095 in his avatar, its him on a mission in russia when he was sent to steal a russian submarine......

i think thats how it went

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Indeed it is I in the picture.

here`s an alternative idea for you to try, you`ll need to do alot of research for the growing media, but have you considered making Clones?

it`s a project I hope to be starting during the summer also, you`ll need a leaf and a sharp blade to disect it, these are then placed on the media and incubated, all being well small roots will begin to show, they can be planted then and should grow several identical clones of the original plant :)

and before you ask, Triffids don`t really exist :)

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Cap'n Refsmmat said in post # :

If you experiment with it, you might just get too much of it on you.

Try something harmless (or less harmful) and culture that.

Even cultivating "harmless" bacteria under the right (or rather "wrong") conditions can result in pathogenic proliferation.


And he has no way of knowing what bacteria he's swabbed from his chicken, mouth etc; so telling him to just cultivate the harmless ones is a bit of a waste of time.


Try not to advise people to do things that could get them seriously hurt pls kthx.

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If you`re interested, I`ll bring you up to speed with my plan for this project.

you`ll need the seaweed based geletine (powder form idealy).

then some Captan and napthalacetic acid (hormone rooting powder should do), then some "Growmore" general purpose soluable plant food, it contains all the 3 macro nutrients and the trace elements needed for any plant. you`ll need to boil a liter of water (or more depending on how much you want to make) and add the correct amounts of these chems after the water has boiled for 15 mins and cooled, heat again and add the geletine, then pour into your dishes and allow to cool and set, then you`ll have made your culture dishes for plant cloning :)


So my theory goes anyway! either way, it`ll only cost pennies to experiment and try :)

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Crash said in post # :

well enough of the "dont culture bacteria"

and yes that is YT2095 in his avatar, its him on a mission in russia when he was sent to steal a russian submarine......

i think thats how it went


Nearly, it was a mission to steal a thought controlled stealth fighter codenamed 'firefox'.


What's the point in me telling you top-secret information from the government archives if you just forget all the time?

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the damning part was, the 18 crates of Vodka that we planed to smuggle back got used as fuel as the bugger was empty at less than 120 kilometers and 40,000 feet up, I needn`t tell you how cold it was strapped to the outside in a harness dumping 75cl at a time into the tank!


here is where I tried to capture a tank, but had to listen 1`st to see if there was anyone inside it before I jumped in!



and me inside Red Square, at the back of St.Basils Cathederal:



there were no Subs, Tanks or Planes there though :((



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Radical ++++++ said in post # :

precisely what do you plan to do with these bacteria once you have grown them? I can't see you doing much, and you stand a high chance of growing something nasty. So like injecting things into yourself, I suggest you don't.

Perhaps this is why he made the thread about injecting himself with stuff.


If ed84c's parents are reading this, I tell them: If you suddenly see him buying petri dishes and swabbing his mouth, stop him! You might breed the next deadly virus right in your own house! :eek:

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well i think ill just use 'mouth' bacterium




About testing on myself I think you got the wrong end of the stick. I more meant what would happen if I performed these experiments. No offence but I will seek more professional advice if my life is in danger! :)

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"Well anything really E-Coli would be good i suppose"

"I suppose you could call me something of a 'Mad Scientist' becasue i would allways like to try out experiments especially if they are a bit 'oo-err'."


and you also expressed that it was to "Impress" your friends!



well, I don`t see how ANYONE "got the wrong end of the stick"

thine own lips have said it! on more than one occasion "Foolery"!

non of us here are impressed, quite the opposite infact. and you still have not answered Radical Eds question...?

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then accept the words of "Clever" people, and listen to what we have to say!


dicking about with chems, bio agents, electricity etc.. etc... is neither clever, smart, impressive or wise!

the choice is still yours, but I nor anyone on here and I think I can speak for all the sane ones on this forum, either condone or ackowledge any receipt of the foolery you posted here or in other rellated threads. you are entirely on your own!

you`ve heard our veiws, it`s up to you if you heed our advice or not!

but I request that post nothing more along these or similar lines on here again, accept this as an informal warning.

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