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Best TNG Episodes


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I liked the one about the DNA in the galaxy being linked.




I'm finding it really hard to watch ST now though, as I notice so many things they say just don't make any sense.


Thats mostly VGR though.



Hmm, the letters VGR reminded me of V-Ger. The original series movies were awesome. I really liked the style of those pseudo-future-semi-seventies sets. Can't wait until I can recognize current trends in ST as being passe, twenty years from now.






Sayonara³ said in post # :

There's a reason why most races in Star Trek are humanoid.


See TNG: "The Chase". 


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I'm a Voyager fan really, I even wrote a script for it, but my FAT on my Hard drive got messed up, and I lost it. I only had 5 pages left to write before sending it off. They paid £10.000 per script.


Best TNG...The Best Of Both Worlds 1/2


Then 'Data's Day', and '1001100' whatever it is.



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I like the one where Ryker performs an act that undermines the captains authority. Or where Ryker forms and implements a plan that the Captain expressly forbade him to do, or contrives a direct order. Plus the one where Ryker grows a beard to show the crew he is more hirsute and therefore more manly than Picard is quite good.

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Cap'n Refsmmat said in post # :

You're making fun of this, aren't you?


Ryker ignores the chain of command, you see. He greatly annoys me, to the extent that I make a list of the insubordination and mutinous suggestions he makes each episode. Watch when they have a command meeting, Ryker invariably dismisses the assembled staff without Picards consent. Dismissing staff when a suggestion is put forward is the equivalent of making the command decision in place of the Captain. The suggestions are one thing, ignoring the ranking officer in a room is a court martial offence, even in the Federation.


In "Chain of Command, Part I" he openly plans a mutiny, clearly showing that he is not comfortable with the new Captain actually forcing him to follow orders. He ignores a direct order 4 times in the first half hour.


A great point is made that he was offered his own command but refused it; he is obviously angling for the Captain of the flagship of the Federation. Ryker is widely accepted as being a mutinous villain.


-Demosthenes- said in post # :

Either that or he has something for... sick!


What in the name of sweet Jesus are saying, man? Pull yourself together.

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"What was the point of posting that?


Stop artificially bumping the thread - it's not like nobody will post in it if it's 10 down the page."


That didn't even occur to me, I promise! I didn't wan to "bump" the thread. I'm sorry, but you do get mad quite easily, and without find out all the facts. :D

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atinymonkey said in post # :

Ryker ignores the chain of command, you see. He greatly annoys me, to the extent that I make a list of the insubordination and mutinous suggestions he makes each episode. Watch when they have a command meeting, Ryker invariably dismisses the assembled staff without Picards consent. Dismissing staff when a suggestion is put forward is the equivalent of making the command decision in place of the Captain. The suggestions are one thing, ignoring the ranking officer in a room is a court martial offence, even in the Federation.

What happens if the captain doesn't mind? He sure doesn't seem to.


In "Chain of Command, Part I" he openly plans a mutiny, clearly showing that he is not comfortable with the new Captain actually forcing him to follow orders. He ignores a direct order 4 times in the first half hour.

If you hated your new captain, wouldn't you do that?


A great point is made that he was offered his own command but refused it; he is obviously angling for the Captain of the flagship of the Federation. Ryker is widely accepted as being a mutinous villain.

I thought it was obvious that he just liked Picard.



I think you are taking it too seriously. I mean, they really don't mean it to be that serious. You're supposed to take what they say. (though I always think, "should they have done that?")

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