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Best TNG Episodes


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What facts are these?


Like this one: I'm not out to get you! AND I'M NOT ALWAYS TRY TO MESS THINGS UP!


Okay, okay. I really like the one where they are in a training exercise, and the ferangee come and try to take the ship that there practicing in.

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I don't generally need to. Normally when people don't understand what I'm talking about it's because they lack the requisite knowledge or capacities, not because I didn't post what I wanted to say.


On the occasions when it does become necessary to explain further, I tend to see an actual explanation as being more helpful than random phrases.

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I liked alot of the episodes, but it's going to take time recalling them...



One that comes to mind was the episode where the Enterprise D used a cloaking device. THat was so cooool, b/c I had only seen Romulans cloak before that episode.

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Cap'n Refsmmat said in post # :

I remember when two people ended up cloaked and nobody could see them. Eventually Data sprayed them with some substance or another and they reappeared.

Couldn't they load photon torpedoes with that and locate the Romulans with them?

No - because they weren't cloaked, they were out of phase.


Theoretically you could adapt Data's approach to detect the USS Pegasus though, if it was still around.

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ATM, I think you feel about Ryker much in the same way as I do about Q, he really irritates me! it`s obviously a well writen part considering they`re only actors doing what the script says.

Guinan (Whoopy Goldberg) has to be my fave character of all of them though.


any episode with Species 8472 (from Voyager) is well cool though, they really intrigue me :)

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Yup, everyone hates shifty Ryker. I appreciate he's there as the Kirk clone in the TNG, but he's just begging to be taken to a tribunal.


NSX said in post # :

I didn't notice much vulans compared to the Romulans. Are the vulancs living on their own or are they scattered like humans?


Uh huh, in 'Enterprise' they have an Armada floating randomly around space. We can only assume that their role as diplomats and officers in TOS and TNG series meant that had no particular need of a separate Vulcan fleet anymore. The established members of the federation all share resources, including ships and crew. Planet Vulcan is still around, but I doubt the Vulcan propagate quite as often as other species. The smaller population probably means they have a lower profile in the series.


Plus, really boring race.

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