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Parent star of our galaxy is died

A common sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a super-intellect would connect Physics, as well as Chemistry and Astronomy and Geology, and that there are no blind forces worth speaking about the universe but there are hidden forces too. The observational confirmations from the facts seem to me so overwhelming as to put this conclusion almost beyond question.

Although the scientific community's current view is that remnant core of exploded stars is pulsar (neutron star-ultra dense nucleus). It is supported by many researches.

Each research where is supported Fe-rich and Ni-rich nucleus of a stars is wrong and unacceptable. colors of all stars are connected to the proton-neutron ratio in the ultra dense nucleus. False image of a star is in the link:


The link is wrong. Of course all theories have already connected to this construction are wrong too. Fe-rich and Ni-rich core Unacceptable. Modern observational confirmations and many old scientific researches tell another tale. In the core of all stars temperature is huge. there are protons and neutrons only, In this conditions. H-fusion is closely connected to the decreasing core masses. Proton-neutron ratio changing needs billions of years. Remnant core of exploded stars mainly consist of neutrons only. The remnant ultra dense nucleus (UDN) has own thermal evolution from red-hot (pulsar) to the cold conditions (black hole).

Dear reader please write in the search bar of google: “starburst galaxy nucleus”

You can find a lot of evidences about star forming from central nucleuses of spiral galaxies.

Stars can form only parent star there. There are a lot of evidences eruption young embryonic stars from poles of central nucleuses. You can not find word-“parent” but we have to know, give birth… means parent.

What about parent star of our galaxy? It is died as well as parent stars of many surrounded old galaxies . After eruption almost all stars it can die as a star. Of course remnant of super-massive parent star is super-massive black hole. Evidence is in the link:


Video http://www.astro.virginia.edu/class/whittle/astr553/Topic14/M1_MW_nuc.mpg


We can not see invisible cold and black remnant of the parent star but there is strong evidence, nearest orbiting star. *The black hole mass is approximately 3,000,000 times bigger than mass of the Sun.

Stars are formed by shell masses of the parent star. The shell is light elements enriched. Approximately 80% is hydrogen there. We know that main fuel of a stars is hydrogen-fusion. **Parent star gives maximal working resource all embryonic stars. Young stars consist of protons (90%) and neutrons (10%) Approximately. It means proton-neutron ratio ( P/n » 9 ) for embryonic stars. Before star explosion approximately *proton-neutron ratio in the UDN is 1/9 ( P/n » 1/9 ).


The Hertzsprung-Russell diagram


proton-neutron ratio is clue for the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. There is easy understandable that color of a star is not depended to the mass. The diagram is strong evidence.

-Most of the stars occupy the region in the diagram along the line called main sequence . It means most embryonic stars are average size stars mainly. During billions of years evolution stars are fusing hydrogen in their cores, they are changing colors and decreasing mass. proton-neutron ratio is changing from 9 to 1/9. hydrogen-fusion all over the ultra dense nucleus is decreasing as well as decreasing shell temperature for billions of years. Color is changing from blue to the red as well as spectrum.

-Cepheid variables reside in the upper section of the instability strip. Its instability closely connected to the abundance heavy and super-heavy elements in the sell. Reason is movement through the nebula (nuclear and molecular remnant of exploded stars). variable luminosity is closely connected to the density of a nebula. In the normal stars H - fusion generates ≈ 90%; (NR) Nuclear reactions (explosions) in the deep interior of the spots generate approximately 10% luminosity, NR ≈ 10% (maximal star-spot activity). In the pulsating variable stars *NR ratio can increase from 10% to 100%; 1000% ... etc. I think easy understandable connection rapid variation brightness to the huge nuclear explosions in the deep interior of the shell.

*http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instability_strip Each star can instable moving through the nebula. Only dwarfs are not instable. Usually dwarfs are star-like bodies but they are ultra dense nucleuses, remnant core of small exploded stars. Intermediate phase from fiery small pulsar to the cold black hole. There is refrigerated zone of super density. Link is strong evidence.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helium_fusion The fusion of helium-4 nuclei (alpha particles) is known as the triple-alpha process beginning before star explosion all over the UDN. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helium_fusion Nuclear synthesis reactions rapidly create enormous amount super-heavy nucleuses around core. Truly that is the reason of old star explosion. Star luminosity can increase hundreds of billion times rapidly.

Strong evidence about star formation and evolution is in the link: http://www.cosmogeology.ge/chapter-28.htm

A common sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a super-intellect would connect Physics

... we obviously have a very different concept of common sense.


Regardless, in science, "Common Sense" comes out of "connecting" facts and observations with supported hypotheses.


... where are yours?



  K. Margiani said:

Parent star of our galaxy is died

A common sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a super-intellect would connect Physics, as well as Chemistry and Astronomy and Geology


This implies a fundamental misunderstanding of modern science. And therefore sheds doubt on anything you're likely to say afterwards.


Now, I'm not great on astrophysics I'll be the first to admit, but I know a bit about this, and in about 6 weeks I'll know hopefully know alot about star formation.


Now I find your text quite hard to read and was wondering if you could do a bullet point list of your main points?

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