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Casio Exilim EX-F1: The 60fps Camera (yes, sixty)

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$999... I'd buy that beast if I could.


It apparently keeps a buffer of the latest 60 pictures at all times, meaning that it can play through them in slo-mo and let you take a "picture" of the past.


I want.


The megapixel war is finally over -- somebody found something else to push.


Just out of idle curiosity, how do they do continuous video with an SLR anyway? Does the mirror just stay put, or is it more of an electronic reproduction of the view through the lens?


I used to have one of these for a "telephoto lens", btw. It's a Celestron C8 telescope, which with a camera mounted on the end is roughly equivalent to a 2000mm F/8 (around 50 power). I was really into amateur astronomy for a long time, but I would use it from time to time for daylight photography, like shooting a space shuttle launch (we did eight of 'em).




Just out of idle curiosity, how do they do continuous video with an SLR anyway? Does the mirror just stay put, or is it more of an electronic reproduction of the view through the lens?



I don't think this is an SLR. I haven't seen an SLR that does video (though I haven't really looked very hard)


This thread brings new meaning to the term "photograph porn."



Hey there, Cannon. Wanna come back to my place? :)

It looks silly... :P


But rather cheap for that!


It's only a 6 megapixel camera, so they may have sacrificed the more expensive components in order to get the ultracoolness of 60fps still and 1200fps video inside it.


Still, if it shoots in HD, 6mp must be enough...?




I would definitely buy this for $999. Only thing is, when it finally comes out over here, it won't be the equivalent price... it'll be £800 or some crazy amount. We always get stiffed :mad:


It's not an SLR, just an SLR styled compact with a large zoom.. which is common these days.


The video is 60fps in HD and only reaches 1200fps when you drop the resolution down to 336 x 96 ... still impressive, but not even close to the claims they're wanting to sell it on.


HD video is only approx 2MP .. so yes, it's way more than enough.


iNow .. I HOPE you meant Canon! :)

The video is 60fps in HD and only reaches 1200fps when you drop the resolution down to 336 x 96 ... still impressive, but not even close to the claims they're wanting to sell it on.


Something tells me HD at 1200fps is going to be a leeeetle bit more expensive :D

It's only a 6 megapixel camera, so they may have sacrificed the more expensive components in order to get the ultracoolness of 60fps still and 1200fps video inside it.


Still, if it shoots in HD, 6mp must be enough...?


6 MP for a non-SLR is apparently the sweet spot, especially for pocket cameras. Unless you make the sensor physically bigger, or get really good lenses (like you can with an SLR) you don't generally get better pictures. 1/1.8" is a small sensor.




That's interesting, it does LOOK like an SLR, but I see what you mean. I guess it draws a certain "serious" camera buyer that way. But of course the real tradeoff is the lack of ability to switch lenses, which is really what makes an SLR useful.


But you know, now that I think about it, if you're developing an SLR and you wanted to have it shoot video, shouldn't it just be a matter of locking the mirror into the up position and then passing the image data through to the LCD display on the back plate?

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