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Regarding Black Holes


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Is human thought "data"?


Comatose, i think you will have to be a bit more explicit.

What are you assuming about black holes?

Have you read anything about black holes that is online so that you could give us a link---so we can figure out where you are coming from?

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I will do my best. Though this is a little like asking for the answer to the question before answering or offering an opinion. This is not a test. I am simply seeking the beliefs of another person or persons.


When I said “Regarding Black Holes”, I thought you would immediately reflect on Steven Hawkings long belief that all data is lost at the event horizon. Even though Hawkings has reconsidered or restated the idea. I just wondered if human thought was “data” and therefore lost forever if his original theory proved to be accurate one day.


So is human thought “data” from your point of view?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Within our head, our brain makes connections between one thought and another. This is how we remember our "data", by using and comparing things to past to things in the present.


Not really. Neurons form connections, and dendrites actually... not "thoughts." You are close to the right idea, though. :)

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I agree with most people on this thread, isn't everything data?

Everything seen with our optical nerves and brought to our brain isn't it all just data?


yes, everything is data. but not all data is relevant to a particular occurence.


i assume the OP was talking about thought experiments relating to blackholes. while these give us effects to look for, they don't give us any ideas onhow they will actually behave.


one example of this is the ancient greeks view of atoms. this was something purely derived from thought experiment but quite wrong in reality.

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