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physiology topic to present

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I need some input on a physio topic for a presentation i have to do in class. I really like cardio but don't know it well enough to present and it's probably way too complicated anyways (this is not a hardcore premed class). I was thinking about the respiratory system? But I haven't read too much about it, or dependency on oxygen? I need something not too complicated. I prefer simple, but physio isn't all that simple. haha. hmmm. I need help. Thanks!

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Eeh... Sorry if this sounds rude, but your question is very vague. It sounds like you ask this forum to give you:


1. a topic for a presentation

2. background information on the topic

3. to keep it simple for you


But I believe you have to make the presentation, not the other forum visitors.


But you're right about the respiratory system: it is dependent on oxygen. "Not too much, not too little," as the breathing people say!


You'll see that the better your question, the better the answer. For this moment, all I can advise is: google and wikipedia.

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captain panic- i guess it does sound vague, but i actually wasn't asking for information, i just wanted a topic. i've been googling and i just can't find the right topic, but earlier today i decided that i'm going to do panic attacks/sympathetic nervous system. and thanks for that oxidative stress like foodchain :]!

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