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Future of 3d gaming


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This looks really cool.. any computer science people want to tell me how it works?


He pretty much explained it in the video. The "sensor" bar isn't a sensor at all. It is really two IR LEDs. The Wiimote is the actual sensor. If you mount IR LEDs to a pair of glasses, like he did, the Wiimote can track your head movement. It's basically like playing your game using the sensor bar instead of the Wiimote. Personally, I'd love to see this used in a FPS. He has another video with "Minority Report" style finger tracking using an IR LED array, a Wiimote, and reflective tape.


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He pretty much explained it in the video. The "sensor" bar isn't a sensor at all. It is really two IR LEDs. The Wiimote is the actual sensor. If you mount IR LEDs to a pair of glasses, like he did, the Wiimote can track your head movement.


Wouldn't outside heat sources mess up these sensors?

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Pretty cool really, can't see it being very useful in any games other than ones on the wii where you can stand up and move while you play, also I think you would need a pretty big screen for it to work well.


Some game developers should put it in though as you could make some really cool stuff.

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Yeah, I think the point of this whole video is they just need to sell something with two headmounted IR LEDs along with a game, and this could be done using the existing Wii hardware. Any game manufacturer who wanted to could take advantage of this.

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